Girish Mahajan (Editor)

American immigration to Honduras

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There are many reasons that United States citizens emigrate to Honduras.



When the thirteen English colonies declared their independence from Great Britain on July 4, 1776, it was decided that what is currently the United States of America and all the residents in those, who happened to be subjects of the British monarchy, were to become American citizens. At the beginning of the 19th century there was still conflict between colonies of America and the European monarchies, but once they declared their independence, they formed new states. Similarly, Honduras was born on September 15, 1821. While, in its splits, it being north of the continent developed by new colonies the conquest of the far west in search of gold and of a place where to settle. By 1860, the United States conquered nearly all of the northeast of the American continent and to his time burst the American Civil War in which the southern States declared themselves the Confederacy. They did not recognize the Constitution or the president Abraham Lincoln. The rebels in these states were mostly bureaucrats, land owners and slave owners, heirs of the monarchic European lineage. They began to arm themselves and declared war on the central administration of Washington. This war began the first wave of migration to the north (Canada) and west of North America, to Mexico, the Caribbean and in lower amounts to Central America.

The Republic of Honduras, while it was governed by the general Captain José María Medina, accepted the influx of immigrants from other places on the planet. The first challenge for the American immigrants was the construction of the National Railway, on which the archaeologist Ephaim Squier emphasizes in his notes. The first migratory listing is made in the city of San Pedro Sula, on May 3, 1867, when 61 American citizens from the south, led by colonel Malcom Green, made their formal request to stay in Honduras. The presidency of the liberal reform of Marco Aurelio Soto, issued a new law with the premise of arrival of immigrants with ends of local development and that possess foreign capital; promoting like this the foundation of the first big transnational company that operated from 1880, Rosario Mining Company. The administration of Polycarp Bonilla, issued another new Law of immigration on April 1, 1895, which applied to the new flow of migration from United States, Germany, England, France, Italy, China, and Palestinian (Arabia). A new law issued in 1906 also applied to the Americans, Europeans, Arab, and Jewish people at the beginning of the 20th century. The American immigrants made up the vast majority of workers in the bananas and of mining industries. The performances of American investors in Honduras began with Rosario Mining Company founded by the employer Washington Valentine, next the Baccaro Bros. found the United Fruit Company, next appeared the Standard Fruit Company, the American Banking J.P. Morgan in 1911 did charge of the Honduran debt contracted with the English and during the administration of Manuel Bonilla, the employer Samuel Zemurray founded the Cuyamel Fruit Company, with big profits awarded by the Honduran government. The new Migration Laws of Honduras, issued in the administration of Vicente Mejía Colindres and later the one of Tiburcio Carías Andean, allowed a greater influx of immigrants to the Central America.

Other reasons for moving

Apart from social, business, political, or other reasons, many Americans migrated due to religious work and military service.

Missionary work

The first American Protestant and Evangelical missionaries that arrived in Honduras went from the Morava Church to zone of the Mosquitía. Next they established in Islands of the Bay, afterwards did it in the coastal cities: Port Cortés, The Ceiba, Cloth, Trujillo, etc. The first missionary evangelic in entering in Honduras were of the CAM Central American Mission, by the years of 1890 and subsequent, everything with the end to found churches and religious communities.

Military interventions

The countries of Central America to finals of the 19th century, suffered diverse convulsions fratricide; it is so the American government has had to take part militarily in such countries, with the only object to pacify the area and to go back to the democracy. The armed interventions were done by the US Marines, in Honduras are:

  • 1903: Marine troops takes part in the revolution in Honduras in favor of the general Manuel Bonilla.
  • 1907: Marine troops disembark in the north coasts of Honduras, during the war with Nicaragua.
  • 1911: American Troops give protection to the companies of the interests of the United States during a civil uprising.
  • 1912: The marines protect the North American economic interests, in the north of Honduras during a civil uprising.
  • 1919: The marines invade Honduras to "mediate" in the First civil war of Honduras, ending with general elections.
  • 1924: The marines make two disembarkments in Honduras to "mediate" in the Second civil war of Honduras, in which Honduran general Vicente Tosta Carrasco assumes the government. In this year Honduras occupies the first worldwide place in the export of bananas, but the gains are for the United Fruit Company.
  • 1983–1989: The governments of United States and Honduras, sign an agreement of military maneuvers between both countries and that will make in Honduran territory, during this time, exists tension in the borders with Guatemala, The Saviour and Nicaragua administered under President Sandinista. It helps to the construction of military bases, station of radar satellite and construction of the military airport of Palmerola and other regional tracks like aerial military Base The Avocado that was used by the CIA.
  • First registers of Americans in Honduras

    Many Americans, legally registered and established in Central America:

    In the year 2013 the official census of the foreigners in Hondurans was of 29,000 people, of which 23,577 were from countries of the American continent, 2,939 of countries of Europe, 56 countries from Africa, 19 of countries of Oceania and 2,603 from Asia, of which 1,415 are Chinese.

    Establishments of work with American investment in Honduras

    Some American companies established in Honduras along the time:

  • Cuyamel Fruit Company
  • Rosario Mining Company
  • Honduran National Bank
  • Bank of Honduras
  • SASA (Aerial service Anonymous Society)
  • Agricultural school Panamericana
  • Máquilas in Choloma
  • Cloth Rail Road Company
  • American Honduras Company - harvester of mahogany
  • Some American employers

  • Cristina, María Elena, Concepción, Carmén Connor, in 1920, established the House "Cristina Connor and Sisters".
  • Benjamín Douglas Guilbert. Medical dentist rooted in Tegucigalpa.
  • Nutter Roy Bartlett. Medical of the United Fruit Co. Founder of the Hospital Saw in Tegucigalpa.
  • Fred Thomas Peck. Mining employer rooted in Olancho.
  • Sumner B. Morgan. Flyer that exerted in Honduras.
  • Contributions to the Honduran society

    Important factors that the American immigration has contributed in Honduras: Source of work, English language, gastronomy, etc.


    Benneth, Connor, Douglas, Jackson, Johnson, Neal, Post, Stewart, Thomas, Yearwood, Watson.


    American immigration to Honduras Wikipedia