Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Amadocus I

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Amadocus I

Amatokos II

Teres II

Amadocus I (Ancient Greek: Ἀμάδοκος) was a Thracian king of the Odrysae from 410 BC until the beginning of 4th century. He was a friend of the Athenian statesman Alcibiades, and is mentioned at the time of the Battle of Aegospotami in 405 BC. During his reign he experienced attacks from the Triballians and lost many of his territories.

At the beginning of his reign he made Seuthes II ruler of his lands along the southern Aegean shore. He and Seuthes II were still the most powerful princes in Thrace when Xenophon visited the country in 400 BC. They were, however, frequently at variance, but were reconciled to one another by Thrasybulus, the Athenian commander, in 390 BC, and induced by him to become the allies of Athens. This Amadocus may perhaps be the same as the one said by Aristotle to have been attacked by his general Seuthes, a Thracian. Amadocus probably died a natural death around 390 BC.

Amadok Point on Livingston Island in the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica is named for Amadocus.


Amadocus I Wikipedia

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