Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Allen Knutson

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Allen Knutson

Allen Knutson httpswwwmathcornelledumsitesdefaultfiles

Allen knutson bruhat atlases on wonderful compactifications and elsewhere

Allen Ivar Knutson is a mathematician and professor of mathematics at Cornell University.


Allen Knutson Allen Knutson

Knutson did his undergraduate studies at the California Institute of Technology, and received his Ph.D. in 1996 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology under the joint advisorship of Victor Guillemin and Lisa Jeffrey. He was on the faculty at the University of California, Berkeley before moving to the University of California, San Diego in 2005–2008 and then to Cornell University in 2009. In 2005, he and Terence Tao won the Levi L. Conant Prize of the American Mathematical Society for their paper "Honeycombs and Sums of Hermitian Matrices".

Allen Knutson Details Allen Knutson

Knutson is also known for his studies of the mathematics of juggling, and for five years beginning in 1990 he and fellow Caltech student David Morton held a world record for passing 12 balls.

Allen Knutson Allen Knutson Bruhat atlases on wonderful compactifications and

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