Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Alessandra Celletti

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Alessandra Celletti

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Alessandra Celletti CombustusInterview with the Whimsical Alessandra Celletti

6 June 1966 (age 58) Rome, Italy (

Piano, keyboards, vocals

LTM RecordsKha RecordsBleirot Records


Vocalist ·

Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia

Hidden Sources, Sustanza di cose sperata

Classical music, Avant-garde


fdc10 firenze alessandra celletti musician composer

Alessandra Celletti (born 6 June 1966) is an Italian pianist, vocalist, songwriter and composer, best known as an interpreter of Erik Satie.


Alessandra Celletti Radio 1 Alessandra Celletti live a King Kong

Alessandra Celletti piano piano on the road Completo NTW


Alessandra Celletti httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Born in Rome, Alessandra Celletti received a classical piano training and graduated at Rome's Santa Cecilia's Music Conservatory. Then continued her studies with Valeria Gobbi Belcredi, focusing her interests and talent on late 19th century French Music Impressionism. Her first album, 1994 "Les Sons Et Les Perfums" reflected her very personal vision of Satie, Debussy and Ravel. In 1997 her second publication, “Viaggio a Praga” (“Trip to Prague”), brought her to the capital of the Czech Republic to approach first-hand the piano music of Leoš Janáček and its interpretation. Back in Italy, she embarked on a collaboration with the Kha record label, for which she recorded volumes dedicated to the music of Gurdjieff/De Hartmann, Erik Satie, Scott Joplin and Philip Glass. Her “Esotérik Satie” collection was well received by French reviewers and proved a commercial hit. It remains in print and has come to be considered a reference edition of Satie's piano works. Her rendition of the First Gnossienne was chosen by British director Guy Ritchie for the soundtrack of his movie “Revolver” (2006). The album was also distributed in Germany, Greece and Taiwan.

Alessandra Celletti Alessandra Celletti Le interviste di OndaRock

In 2006 Alessandra Celletti released an album of her own compositions: “Chi mi darà le ali” (“Who will give me wings”) saw her in the roles of author, interpreter and producer. It was the beginning of a new chapter. She was noticed by Hans-Joachim Roedelius, one of the foremost contemporary music composers, who invited her to play at the Lunz Festival in Austria in August 2007. One year after her debut as author, Kha Records is proud to announce the publication, in November 2007, of “The Golden Fly”, sixteen inspired and intense compositions for piano. It is an original new flight on music’s own wings, free and nimble, that never tires of going higher to explore the most intimate colours of the soul and of the emotions. It is an album, on occasion, profoundly indebted to Alessandra Celletti’s favourite repertoire, with an affectionate homage to Erik Satie, to whom the track “Talking to Satie” is dedicated.

Alessandra Celletti Alessandra Celletti YouTube

It’s been a couple of years that the poet Beppe Costa has been using some of her music for shows and readings of poetry both in theatre and in schools, making videos and, more recently a movie called “di me, di altri, ancora” that will be also the name of the next book.

While a new album consisting of songs, "Way Out", is going to be published by British label LTM, Alessandra is giving lots on gigs and still developing her collaboration with Hans-Joachim Roedelius as reported by a second event played together in May 2008 opening Angelica Festival in Bologne.


  • Les sons et les parfums (Debussy-Ravel-Satie) (Bleriot, 1994)
  • Viaggio a Praga (autori boemi dal '700 al '900) (Bleriot, 1996)
  • Overground (Bleriot, 1997)
  • Hidden Sources (Gurdjieff-de Hartmann) (KHA, 1998)
  • Esoterik Satie (Erik Satie) (KHA, 2000)
  • Black Baby (Scott Joplin) (KHA, 2002)
  • Metamorphosis (Philip Glass) (KHA, 2005)
  • Chi mi darà le ali(Bleriot, 2006)
  • The Golden Fly (KHA, 2007)
  • Way Out (LTM, 2008)
  • Alessandra Celletti Plays Baldassarre Galuppi (Transparency, 2009)
  • Celletti and Roedelius Sustanza di cose sperata (Transparency, 2009)
  • The Red Pages (Celletti-Tranmer) (Vespertine & Son, 2010)
  • Sketches of Sacagawea (Al-Kemi Lab, 2010)
  • W.C. George Bataille with Jaan Patterson (Transeuropa, 2011)
  • Crazy Girl Blue (Transparency, 2011)
  • References

    Alessandra Celletti Wikipedia

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