Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Alejandra Ruddoff

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Alejandra Ruddoff

Alejandra Ruddoff httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Alejandra Ruddoff (born 1960 in Santiago de Chile) is a Chilean sculptor.



Ruddoff studied sculpture at the University of Chile and graduated in 1985. In 1993 - having received a scholarship from DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) - she acquired a post-graduate diploma of the Munich Academy of Fine Arts. She was awarded the First Prize of the Chilean Ministry of Public Works in 2000. In addition, her work Homage to the Wind - which according to the writer Raul Zurita has the germinating ease of a poem and at the same time the purity of most ancient monuments - was erected at the Panamericana. Special exhibitions of her three-dimensional works were staged at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Santiago de Chile and in the Tai Miao Temple in the Forbidden City of Beijing in 2003. Ruddoff has been teaching at arts academies since 2000. The artist has developed large-format projects meant to be shown in public places. One of those is the construction Peace, Friendship and Time's Space (2001) which was modelled during the Fifth International Sculptors' Symposium held in Changchun and erected in its local sculpture park. Another of her sculptures Forward (1997) was unveiled in Potsdam in 2002. While staying at the Potsdam Volkswagen Design Center in 2006 she worked on variations of the objects. In 2010 the DAAD commissioned her to sculpt Forward II which is now displayed in front of the DAAD headquarters at Bonn. She has been living as a freelance artist in Berlin since 2009.


Alejandra Ruddoff is first of all interested in the interconnections between time, space and matter and the laws of motion. Her works are inspired by nature's sources of energy and the motive power of the mechanized world. Characteristic of her oeuvre is an aesthetic, abstract yet sensual pictorial expression which combines natural and mechanical forms.


  • Alejandra Ruddoff. Nach Vorn Skulptur & Skizze, Hrsg.: Luisa Frigolett, Santiago, 2009
  • Alejandra Ruddoff, Arte en Chile, Hrsg.: Ezio Mosciatti, Santiago, 2000
  • References

    Alejandra Ruddoff Wikipedia

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