Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Adolfo Panfili

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Years active
1980 -


Robotic Spine Surgery

Adolfo Panfili

July 28, 1955
Rome, Italy

Sapienza Universita di Roma Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Roma

Known for
Orthomolecular Medicine Robotic Spine Surgery

International Academy For Robotic Spine Surgery

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Adolfo Panfili (born July 28, 1955) is an Italian surgeon, founder and director of the first Italian Robotic Spine Center. He is one of the world's leading robotic spine surgeons at International Academy for Robotic Spine Surgery where he developed with “Sapienza University of Rome” the master's degree for surgeons, biomedical engineers and paramedics in the field of minimally invasive and robot-assisted surgery, having pioneered many new techniques and technologies.


Adolfo Panfili Adolfo Panfili e Valeria Mangani In forma in tre settimane

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Personal details

Adolfo Panfili wwwmacrolibrarsiitdataautoribigadolfopanfil

Panfili is of Italian origin. He was born in Rome and studied Medicine at “Sapienza University” in Rome where he obtained the Degree of MD. Since 2004 he has become strongly identified as Counselor for Nutrition and Quality of the Italian Product for the Ministry of Agriculture in Italy since 2006 and is recognized internationally as an Expert on Scientific Projects of Public Utility, innovative reforms to health systems globally. He is married to Valeria with whom he has two children, Ildebrando and Delfina.


Adolfo Panfili La chirurgia robotica Prima parte Benesserecom

1985: Researcher at the Catholic University in the Special Unit for the Anterior Approach to Spine Surgery.

Adolfo Panfili Adolfo Panfili si dimette Non voglio pi essere accomunato ad

1986: Scientific Observer of the football team “Los Angeles Rams” in Los Angeles during the N.F.L. championship (National Football League).

Adolfo Panfili Adolfo Panfili AdolfoPanfili Twitter

1986: Founder of the “Italian Medical Review”.

1986: Director of the “Amino acid Metabolism Research Center” (1996-1988), Rome.

1987: Medical Supervisor for the National Rugby Team of Italy”.

1988: Founder of the “International Orthomolecular Medical Association (A.I.M.O.) on assignment by Professor Linus Pauling (Nobel Prize for Chemistry and Peace).

1989: Visiting Professor at the Josè Juri Clinic in Buenos Aires (Argentine) for reconstructive surgery.

1990: Visiting Professor at the Mount Sinai Hospital, New York, Master Degree in Reconstructive Surgery of the eye, face and neck.

1991: Honoris-Causa Degree conferred from Pro-Deo University, Rhode Island, NY (USA) for research on amino acidic metabolism in severe stressed patients.

1993: Professor at the ACAM (American College for the Advancement of Medicine).

1993: Certificate Chiropractor in BEST technique and Network Spinal Analysis.

1997-1999: Medical director of the “Venice Soccer Team”, Venice, Italy.

2001: Homotoxicology and Homeopathy Degree obtained in Germany.

2001: Professor in the Biomedical Department of Science of the University of the Studies of Siena, School of medicine and dentistry.

2001: Tutor for the Rome Medical Order for EEC in Homeopathy and Acupuncture.

2003: Teacher in the master's degree of Natural Medicine at the Tor Vergata University of Rome, School of Medicine and Dentistry.

2004: Scientific advisor for the Ministry of Agricultural Policies for “Nutrition and the Agricultural Product in Italy”.

2004: General Coordinator of the Yak Project: The breeding of the yak for the recovery of the alpine marginal areas: study of the adaptation and appraisal of the characteristics of the products for the Ministry of the Agricultural and Forest Policies, realized by C.R.A., Institute of Zootechnology.

2005: Scientific director of the magazine “Sports & Health”.

2006: Director of the project “Research on the Effects of Hypoxic Interval Training in the Hyperbaric Chamber following the exposure to sub maximal and maximal exercise at high altitude” in collaboration with the Aeronautical and Space Flight Centre - Medical Unit, Pratica di Mare, Pomezia (Rome).

2006: : Medical responsible and participant to the Italian Himalayan Scientific Expedition to the Pyramid Laboratory of National Center for Research (CNR) K2-Everest, Mt Everest.

2007: Italian Himalayan Scientific Expedition (Sigma Tau) in the Khumbus Valleys at the base Camp of Amadablan for the study of posture and cellular ageing in high altitude. 2007: Professor of Sanitary and Hygiene Management master's degree, at the “Sapienza University” of Rome.

2008: Delegate of the Mayor of Rome for the ASL (Local Health System).

2008: Professor at the Occupational medicine master's degree on the “Quality of life in the working place”, “Sapienza University” of Rome.

2008: Director of the “Research Project on the Environment, Nutrition, Employment and Energy Resources”, “Sapienza University” of Rome.

2009: Coordinator of the Commission for Epidemiology of the City of Rome by the Environment Department for the quality of air control for Sustainable Mobility.

2008: Member of the Committee for Health Survey ruled by President On. Cesare Cursi.

2009: General Coordinator of the Scientific Committee for the working team for the Epidemiology Mobility in Rome (, for Rome.

2009: Member of EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) Expert database.

2009-2011: Delegated by the Mayor of Rome for Health Politics.

2010: Member of School nutrition board for the city of Rome.

2015: Won Leonado Da Vinci Award for his humanitarian scientific effort in the world to protect children with cerebral neurological damage

2016: Prize from the World Organization for the Achievement of the Human Potential, for his contribution to improve the humanity's quality of life.

Panfili and his Department were awarded the highly prestigious AEREC Excellence Award for their work on Surgical Robots. He has also delivered many prestigious and named lectures around the globe.

Dr Panfili and his team are involved in the project of one of the world’s leading Regenerative Medicine Centre, and they offer the most exclusive and advanced updated personalized rejenerative therapies in the world . This unique approach of professor Adolfo Panfili provides natural and long-lasting results. In the next future prominent interest of Médecine will be oriented on Stem cells . Autologous SC are undifferentiated multipotent cells that can be used especially for chondral lesions, i.e. those of cartilage, a problem with a strong social impact given from the large number of affected individuals, with pain and TMJ disorders that limit every day’s and working life. Their services will include cryopreservation and expansion of cells so as to use them in a high-quality anti-aging treatments, reconstructive surgery for spine, shoulder, hip, knee, ankle, discs together with rehydration of tissues, cartilage, bones and ligaments. Autologous Stem cells in orthopaedics according to Prof Panfili's philosophy allow the regeneration of bone, cartilage, ligaments and tendons, and functional recovery of joints.

The cure with stem cells is minimally invasive, therefore shorter, more economic and more effective, because unlike what occurs with the in vitro cultivation and replanting, with this technique, we can reconstruct also the underlying bone. The cells have the need to be "channeled" in the area to be treated through a solid support that serves as a frame (scaffold) for growth. After treatment with MSC, the patient is moved immediately to model the "scaffold" and reduce the possibility of intra-articular adhesions.

Political career

In “Roma Città Capitale”, on 2009 Rome's Mayor asked Panfili to "develop a strategy to meet Romans' health needs over the next five to ten years". The report Healthcare for Rome' excellence.: Recommendations included the development of academic health science centers and the introduction of polyclinics fit THE excellence. As Health Delegate for the City of Rome, Panfili found himself responsible for leading the passage of health-related issues through the Mayor of Rome. Panfili’s leadership as a health delegate was the culmination of many years of involvement in health policy. Immediately prior to joining the City of Rome, Panfili led a review of health services in Rome, identifying the opportunities to raise clinical quality across the capital. He was also Advisor in Nutrition to the Department of School of the City of Rome. Panfili’s report in his role of medical consultants for the National Broadcasting TV on Spine Robotic Surgery: Clinical case for change’ 2012, argued for a change to the way surgery is organized in order to maximize patient benefits.

Panfili stressed the quality of care and excellence of medical profession. Robotic surgery is the real drive for the achievement of better health. The private model could be a good starting point, because it takes a less dogmatic turn. The Health morale improved, as did its public standing in the City of Rome since 2008 to 2012. Following his resignation from Roma Citta' Capitale, Panfili fully came back returned to his clinical and academic work and has expanded his involvement in global health issues. In June 2012 he was appointed Chairman of the International Academy for Spine Robotic Surgery, a body dedicated to improving healthcare around the world and reducing health inequalities in developed and developing countries. In November 2012 he was appointed as Orthopedic Director for Emergency Smile, Humanitarian Association to support poor people through spine surgery in the world and mostly in Iraq.


Adolfo Panfili Wikipedia

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