Rahul Sharma (Editor)


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unknown, unknown



Mohamed Abdullahi Sangub, unknown

Abab ("Raise (Grow)") is the former national anthem of Ogadenia, a country proposed by the ONLF. It is sung in Somali. The current national anthem of Ogadenia is Qaran.




Dhiigii dadkaygow Nimcadii dhulkayow Dhididkii duqaydow Agabkii dhallaankow Dhaayahayga aragow Dhagahayga maqalkow Dhaqankiyo tilmaantow Dhuuxiyo naftaydow Dhudhunkii barbaartow Dhaxalkii agoontow Midabkaaga dhowrkaa Midi waa xinjiro dhab ah Dhimashada wadanigee Midna waa buluug dhab ah Soomaalida dhankeedee Midna waa cagaar dhab ah Barwaaqada dhulkeenee Awood allaad ku dhalatayee Awood allaad ku dhisantayee Awood allaad ku dhaqantayee Waligaa dhisnoow ee aamiin aamiin Waligaa ha dhicinee aamiin aamiin Dhidibkii Islaamkee Quraan lagu dhameeyow Taariikhdiyo dhigaalkow Halgan la isu dhiibow Difaac aan dhamaanow Dhuuxa geesigaygow Dhabbihii xornimadow Dhaqaalaha naftowdow Indhihii xusuustow Dhaawaca daweeyow Midabkaaga dhowrkaa Midi waa xinjiro dhab ah Dhimashada wadanigee Midna waa buluug dhab ah Soomaalida dhankeedee Midna waa cagaar dhab ah Barwaaqada dhulkeenee Awood allaad ku dhalatayee Awood allaad ku dhisantayee Awood allaad ku dhaqantayee Waligaa dhisnoow ee aamiin aamiin Waligaa ha dhicinee aamiin aamiin Ku dhex jiraha beerkow Neef dhowrayaashow Wadne la iga dheegow Gacmihiyo dhaqaaqow Dhabarkiyo xanjaarkow Caqligaan ku dhaatow Kulli dhiig mareenkow Dhammaantii jirkaygow Dhakhtarkii I baaree Dhibkaan qabay bogsiiyow Midabkaaga dhowrkaa Midi waa xinjiro dhab ah Dhimashada wadanigee Midna waa buluug dhab ah Soomaalida dhankeedee Midna waa cagaar dhab ah Barwaaqada dhulkeenee Awood allaad ku dhalatayee Awood allaad ku dhisantayee Awood allaad ku dhaqantayee Waligaa dhisnoow ee aamiin aamiin Waligaa ha dhicinee aamiin aamiin

Unofficial English translation

Raise (Grow)

The blood of my people The resources of my land The sweat of my ancestors The wealth of my new generation The power of my sight The power of my hearing The history of our tradition The energy of my soul The might of our youth The heritage of our orphanage Your various colors translate One is pure blood The sacrifice of patriotism One is pure blue From our Somali side One is pure green For our land's prosperity You are born by the power of God You stand in his grace You will stay in his grace He shall forever reign! Amen! Amen! He shall never fall! Amen! Amen! The pillar of Islam Completed with the holy Quran The records of history The struggle passed from generation to generation The unfinished defense The power of the hero The way of independence The wealth of my life The eyes of our memories The healer of our wounds Your various colors translate One is pure blood The sacrifice of patriotism One is pure blue From our Somali side One is pure green For our land's prosperity You are born by the power of God You stand in his grace You will stay in his grace He shall forever reign! Amen! Amen! He shall never fall! Amen! Amen! A piece of my liver The guardian of my lungs A part of my heart My hands and my movement My back and my chest The renewer of my intellect My circulation system My entire body My diagnosing doctor Who healed my illness Your various colors translate One is pure blood The sacrifice of patriotism One is pure blue From our Somali side One is pure green For our land's prosperity You are born by the power of God You stand in his grace You will stay in his grace He shall forever reign! Amen! Amen! He shall never fall! Amen! Amen!


Abab Wikipedia