Puneet Varma (Editor)

Aalto University School of Business

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3,789 (2013)

Urban, Inner City

+358 9 47001

Academic staff
73 (2013)

Administrative staff
over 465

Helsinki, Finland

Total enrollment
3,681 (20 Sep 2010)


Ingmar Björkman

Aalto University School of Business

Other students
international students 14,4%

Runeberginkatu 14-16, 00100 Helsinki, Finland

Notable alumni
Sari M Baldauf, Sirpa Pietikäinen, Jussi Pajunen, Taneli Tikka, Kim Kuusi

Aalto University, Aalto University School of, University of Helsinki, Hanken School of Economics, Turku School of Economics


Aalto university school of business presented by cnbc

The Aalto University School of Business (Aalto BIZ, Finnish: Aalto-yliopiston kauppakorkeakoulu; Swedish: Aalto-universitets handelshögskola), is the largest business school in Finland. Founded in 1911, it is the second oldest business school in Finland and one of the oldest business schools in the Nordic countries. The school became part of Aalto University as of 1 January 2010. It has been previously known as Helsinki School of Economics (HSE), Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (HSEBA), and during 2010-2012 as Aalto University School of Economics.


Consisting of about 3,500 students and 500 researchers, the Aalto University School of Business is conducting research with relations with the business community.

Master s programme in management and international business aalto university school of business


The Aalto University School of Business was established in Helsinki in 1904 by the business community and was given the status of a university in 1911. It operated as a private university until 1974, when the state of Finland was given the financial responsibility of the university. Nevertheless, the school has remained autonomous in its administration and internal affairs. Since the foundation in 1911, 23,000 students have graduated from different programmes.

Rankings & Accreditations

The Aalto University School of Business has been accredited by all three major international organizations that certify business schools (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS), a “triple-crown” accreditation possessed by only 55 other universities in the world. The school is also an active member of the CEMS (Global Alliance in Management Education) and PIM (Partnership in International Management).

Since 2005 the Financial Times has ranked the CEMS program among the top Masters in Management programs in the world. The Aalto University School of Business is an active member of this joint program. Financial Times ranked Aalto University School of Business 29th in the European Business school rankings in 2013, 78th in Global MBA program, 43rd in Master in Management program.

Degrees and Programmes

The Aalto University School of Business offers university degrees in economics and business administration at the Bachelor, Master, Licentiate and Doctoral levels, along with MBA programmes targeted to business professionals hosted through Aalto University Executive Education.

In its degree programmes, the school has a two-step program structure, accordingly with the Bologna Treaty, with a three-year bachelor's degree followed by a two-year master's degree. New students start by studying towards the BSc in Economics and Business Administration degree and on completion, are eligible to continue to study for the master's degree. A doctoral degree normally takes four additional years.

Bachelor's Programmes

From 2013, the School offers the following Bachelor's Programmes (3-year programme, 180 ECTS):

  • Economics & Business Management (in Otaniemi, in Finnish)
  • International Business (in Mikkeli, in English).
  • Master's Programmes

    The School offers the following Master’s programmes (2-year programme, 120 ECTS):

  • Accounting
  • Corporate Communication
  • Creative Sustainability
  • Economics
  • Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management
  • Finance
  • Global Management
  • Information and Service Management
  • International Design Business Management
  • Management and International Business
  • Marketing
  • Strategy
  • Yritysjuridiikka (only in Finnish)
  • MBA Programs

    MBA and Executive MBA programs are offered by the Aalto University Executive Education AEE with operations in Helsinki, China, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan and Sweden. There is a tuition fee in the MBA program unlike in the BSc/MSc degree programs. The MBA program is taught through two-week modules by visiting faculty from some of the best business schools in the world, including Emory University, Rutgers Business School, University of South Carolina, Georgetown University, UCLA, Concordia University, Queen’s University, Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, Indiana University, ESADE and INSEAD.


    Each year, around 400 students are admitted into the Bachelor's Programmes and around 200 students to the Master's Programmes. Bachelor's admissions are based mainly on an admissions test (in Finnish) and the nationwide matriculation examination. Non-Finnish speakers and international students have the opportunity to gain admission through the SAT (Scholastic Admissions Test) conducted in English. Applicants with an appropriate bachelor's degree may apply in the Master’s admissions to take only the degree of Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration.

    More information on School of Business admissions is available at aalto.fi/studies.

    Partner Universities

    The Aalto University School of Business has exchange partnerships with over 150 universities in six different continents. Each year, close to 400 students go abroad on their exchange and the school welcomes over 350 incoming exchange students. The School of Business is collaborating with the leading business schools in Europe within the CEMS Community. Partner schools include, among others, Warwick Business School in the UK, Simon Fraser University in Canada, WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Germany, National Chengchi University College of Commerce in Taiwan, Yonsei University in South Korea, Peking University in China, Sophia University in Japan, University of Southern California, University of Florida in the US and Skema Business School and ESCP Europe in France. In the CEMS network, partner schools include HEC Paris, ESADE in Spain, the London School of Economics in the UK and Universität St. Gallen in Switzerland. Comprehensive list of partner schools.

    CEMS Master's in International Management

    The CEMS includes 30 academic institutions from 5 continents, over 70 corporate partners and 4 social partners from around the globe.

    Aalto University School of Business (previously Helsinki School of Economics) has been the Finnish member of the CEMS network since 1998. The CEMS Corporate Partners of Aalto University School of Business are Kone and Nokia.

    The School of Business offers Master’s Programme in Global Management where students can obtain two highly prestigious qualifications: MSc in Economics and Business administration granted by the Aalto University School of Business and CEMS Master’s in International Management (MIM) granted by CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education. Most of the CEMS MIM elements are fully incorporated in the Global Management master's programme (120 ECTS).

    CEMS MIM has a high recognition among the corporate sector. Consistently ranked among the top in the world by the Financial Times, the CEMS MIM unites multinational companies and international-caliber professors from leading universities and business schools.

    PIM Partnership in International Management

    The School of Business is a member of the PIM Network, which consists of 60 top business schools worldwide. Member institutions share reputations for upholding the highest degree of academic excellence both regionally and globally, and value the organization's spirit of international cooperation among its students, faculty and administrations. The know-how acquired within PIM has permitted members to enhance the international commitment of their institutions. Members meet annually to network, share best practices, discuss PIM's strategies for growth and development and collectively address issues that impact international education.

    Notable alumni

    The Aalto School of Business and its predecessor the Helsinki School of Economics has provided the Finnish markets with much of the management that has grown local Finnish companies into international actors. The school has also provided a platform for academic research in economy for a large number of merited Finnish scholars.


    Aalto University School of Business Wikipedia

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