Puneet Varma (Editor)


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Births Deaths By country By topic Establishments Disestablishments

By place

Roman Empire
  • Differentiation of localized Teutonic tribes of the Irminones.
  • Publius Cornelius Dolabella is a Roman consul.
  • Illyria is divided into Pannonia and Dalmatia.
  • Senatus consultum Silanianum is adopted.
  • Elsewhere
  • The Greek dynasty in Bactria is brought to an end.
  • The usurper Wang Mang (who rules during a brief interregnum known as the Xin Dynasty) outlaws the private purchase and use of crossbows. Despite this, Liu Xiu, the later Emperor Guangwu of Han, buys crossbows in the winter of AD 22 to aid the rebellion of his brother Liu Yan (styled Bosheng) and Li Tong.
  • By topic

  • Ovid completes Tristia (the "Sorrows", 5 books) and Epistulae ex Ponto (Letters from the Black Sea, 4 books) describing the sadness of banishment.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Germania Inferior and the Rhine are secured by Germanicus.
  • Emperor Augustus abandons his plan to create a defensive border at the Elbe, in order to reinforce the Roman defenses along the Rhine and the Danube.
  • An edict is issued effecting an empire-wide ban on divinatory practices especially astrology. The edict requires any consultation between a customer and a practitioner to be conducted with at least one third party witness present and bans inquiry into anyone's death.
  • Asia
  • Artabanus III of the Arsacid Dynasty becomes ruler of Parthia.
  • In India, Satakarni begins his reign as Emperor of the Andhra Empire (AD 11–29).
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Annius Rufus is appointed Prefect of Judea.
  • Augustus orders a major invasion of Germany beyond the Rhine.
  • Germanicus and Gaius Fonteius Capito become Roman Consuls.
  • Quirinius returns from Judea to become a counselor to Tiberius.
  • The Armenian Artaxiad Dynasty is overthrown by the Romans.
  • By topic

    Arts and sciences
  • Ovid stops writing Fasti because of the lack of resources (being far from the libraries of Rome). He completes 6 books that detail festivals found in the Roman Calendar.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Abgarus of Edessa is reinstalled as king of Osroene.
  • The Senate passes a senatus consultum restricting the reduced Vigintisexviri to the Ordo Equester.
  • Tiberius makes his triumphant procession through Rome after the siege of Germany.
  • Asia
  • Last year (3rd) of Shijianguo era of the Chinese Xin Dynasty.
  • Considered the lucky number of those from the Chinese Xin Dynasty.
  • By topic

    Arts and sciences
  • Strabo publishes his book on the shape of the Earth.
  • Ovid publishes books 1-3 of his Epistulae ex Ponto.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • August 19 – Augustus, the first Roman emperor, dies and is declared to be a god.
  • September 18 – Tiberius succeeds his stepfather Augustus as Roman emperor.
  • Legions on the Rhine revolt after the death of Augustus; Germanicus puts down the revolt.
  • Germanicus is appointed commander of the forces in Germany, beginning a campaign that will end in 16.
  • Germanicus leads a brutal raid against the Marsi, a German tribe on the upper Ruhr river, who are massacred.
  • The town and port of Nauportus are plundered by a mutinous Roman legion that was sent there to build roads and bridges.
  • Sextus Appuleius and Sextus Pompeius serve as Roman consuls.
  • A census indicates that there are 4,973,000 citizens of the Roman Empire.
  • Asia
  • First year of tianfeng era of the Chinese Xin Dynasty.
  • Famine hits China; some citizens turn to cannibalism.
  • By topic

  • The Hellenistic period ends, according to some scholars (usual date 31 BC).
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Early (approx.) – Emona (on the site of modern-day Ljubljana) is founded by Legio XV Apollinaris.
  • May – As part of his campaign against the Germanic peoples, Germanicus captures Thusnelda, wife of Arminius.
  • Summer – Germanicus launches a two-pronged attack from Vetera and Moguntiacum. On his return journey, he recaptures the aquila of Legio XIX and visits the battlefield of the Teutoburg Forest. Germanicus arranges the burial for the remains of Varus' army.
  • Varna (Odessus), on the Bulgarian Black Sea Coast, is annexed to the Roman province of Moesia.
  • In Rome, the selection of civil servants passes from the people to the Emperor and the Senate.
  • The river Tiber floods parts of Rome.
  • Valerius Gratus is appointed Prefect of the Roman province of Judea.
  • By topic

    Arts and sciences
  • Nicolaus of Damascus writes a biography of the Emperor Augustus (Bios Kaisaros).
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • A Roman army of 50,000 men commanded by Germanicus gains a great victory at Idistaviso, defeating the German war chief Arminius and recovering the lost eagles of Varus' legions.
  • Germanicus employs North Sea fleet to avoid dangerous rivers, embarking an army in the Rhine delta aboard circa 1,000 ships. He defeats the Germans at Amisius river estuary and the Weser, but during its return the Roman fleet is partially destroyed by storms.
  • Vonones, the beleaguered king of Armenia is summoned to Syria by Roman governor, Creticus Silanus.
  • By topic

    Arts and sciences
  • Ovid's "Epistulae ex Ponto" appears.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • May 26 – Germanicus returns to Rome as conquering hero; he celebrates a triumph for his victories over the Cherusci, Chatti and other Germanic tribes west of the Elbe.
  • Emperor Tiberius sends Germanicus to the east in order to lead a military campaign against Parthia.
  • Cappadocia (Asia Minor) becomes a Roman province.
  • Lucius Aelius Sejanus becomes Praetorian prefect.
  • Europe
  • Beginning of a civil war in Germania.
  • Maroboduus, king of the Marcomanni, is defeated by Arminius and his Germanic tribes.
  • Africa
  • Tacfarinas, Numidian deserter from the Roman army, begins a guerrilla war against the Romans. He leads his own Musulamii tribe and a coalition of Berbers, attacking the Limes Tripolitanus a fortified zone (Limes) of the Roman Empire in Africa.
  • Palestine
  • Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, builds on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, the city Tiberias, in honor of Tiberius.
  • Asia Minor
  • An earthquake in Anatolia destroys the city of Sardis and damages several other cities.
  • By topic

    Arts and sciences
  • Publication of the Ab Urbe condita ("History of Rome Since its Foundation") in 142 volumes by Livy.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Emperor Tiberius and Germanicus are Roman Consuls.
  • A vexillatio (sub-unit or detachment) of Legio III Augusta is destroyed by an ambush in Africa.
  • The German chieftain Arminius destroys the kingdom of the Marcomanni.
  • Syria
  • Winter – Germanicus Caesar arrives in Syria, as new commander in chief for the Roman East.
  • Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, governor of Syria, ignores the order of Germanicus to send Syrian-based legions, including Legio VI Ferrata and Legio X Fretensis, to Armenia to back him in his planned coronation of Artaxias III.
  • Parthia
  • Germanicus concludes a peace treaty with Artabanus III of Parthia, in which he is recognized as king and friend of Rome.
  • China
  • After a flooding of the Yellow River farmers are forced to rebel. Emperor Wang Mang reacts by sending an army (some 100,000 men) against the agrarian rebels. The rebel leaders, concerned that during battle it would become impossible to tell friend from foe, order that their men color their eyebrows red – and this is where the name Chimei ("The Red Eyebrows") comes from.
  • India
  • In India, the Indo-Parthians control Taxila.
  • By place

    Roman Empire
  • Maroboduus, king of the Marcomanni, is deposed by Catualda. This ends the threat to the Romans from Germanic tribes until the reign of Marcus Aurelius. Rome places them under its protection.
  • Germanicus Julius Caesar, commander in chief of the Roman legions in the East and beloved by the legionaries, falls ill and dies. On his deathbed he accuses Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso, the governor of Syria, of poisoning him.
  • Emperor Tiberius expels the Egyptians from Rome, and deports 4,000 Jews from Sicily.
  • Agrippina the Elder accuses Gnaeus Calpurnius Piso of having assassinated her husband Germanicus Julius Caesar in Antioch. However, there is no credible evidence and the charge is never proven. (In ancient times, when medical science was not advanced, poison was usually suspected whenever a young, healthy person died suddenly. There was no way to pinpoint and trace the substance after death; therefore, it was considered a quick, easy and non-traceable form of homicide.)
  • A triumphal arch is built for Germanicus Julius Caesar in Saintes.
  • Syria
  • Vonones I of Parthia is removed to Cilicia and kept under house arrest. He escapes, but is caught and killed by a retired legion veteran.
  • Asia
  • Last year (6th) of Tianfeng era of the Chinese Xin Dynasty.
  • First flying machine, according to the Hanshu.
  • Gondophares becomes king of the Saces.
  • Significant people

  • Caesar Augustus, Roman Emperor (27 BC–AD 14)
  • Tiberius, Roman Emperor (AD 14–37)
  • Germanicus, Roman General
  • Births

    AD 10


  • Hero of Alexandria, Greek engineer (d. c. AD 70)
  • Liu Penzi, captive "Emperor" of China (d. AD 27)
  • AD 12

  • August 31 – Caligula, Roman Emperor (d. 41 AD)
  • AD 14

  • Lucius Caecilius Iucundus, Pompeian banker (d. 62 AD)
  • AD 15

  • September 24 – Vitellius, Roman Emperor (d. AD 69)
  • November 6 – Agrippina the Younger, Roman empress (or possibly AD 16) (d. AD 59)
  • Apollonius of Tyana, Greek philosopher (d. c. AD 100)
  • AD 16

  • September 16 – Drusilla, daughter of Germanicus and Agrippina the Elder (d. AD 38)
  • Agrippina the Younger, Roman Empress (d. AD 59)

  • AD 19

  • October 10 – Tiberius Gemellus grandson of Tiberius (d. c. 38 AD)
  • Deaths

    AD 10

  • Didymus Chalcenterus, Greek scholar and grammarian (b. c. 63 BC)
  • AD 11

  • Marcus Antistius Labeo, prominent Roman jurist
  • AD 13

  • Empress Wang Zhengjun (b. 71 BC)
  • AD 14

  • August 19 – Roman Emperor Augustus (b. 63 BC)
  • August 20 – Agrippa Postumus, grandson of Roman Emperor Augustus (b. 12 BC)
  • Julia the Elder, daughter of Roman Emperor Augustus (b. 39 BC)
  • AD 15

  • Lucius Seius Strabo, Praetorian prefect (b. 46 BC)
  • AD 16

  • Scribonia, second wife of Caesar Augustus and mother of Julia the Elder (approximate date) (b. 68 BC)
  • Clemens (impostor)
  • AD 17

  • Ovid, Roman poet (or AD 18)
  • Livy, Roman historian (b. 59 BC)
  • Gaius Julius Hyginus, Roman author (b. c. 64 BC)
  • Archelaus, King of Cappadocia
  • AD 18

  • Ovid, Roman poet (or AD 17)
  • Yang Xiong, Chinese philosopher, poet, and author (b. 53 BC)
  • AD 19

  • October 10 – Germanicus, Roman general (b. 15 BC)
  • Vonones I of Parthia
  • References

    10s Wikipedia

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