Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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Births Deaths By country By topic Establishments Disestablishments

By place

  • Goryeo and the Liao Dynasty exchange embassies, following a seven-year territorial dispute.
  • The massive Kandariya Mahadeva Hindu Temple is completed, in the Chandela capital of Khajuraho.
  • Europe
  • The city of Saint-Germain-en-Laye is founded.
  • Henry II of Germany conducts his third Italian military campaign.
  • Canute the Great codifies the laws of England.
  • By place

  • Last evidence of indigenous Christian and non-arabophone culture in Tripolitania, Libya.
  • Asia
  • Seneqerim-Hovhannes of Vaspurakan surrenders his kingdom to the Byzantine Empire.
  • Mahmud appoints Ayaz to the throne, making Lahore the capital of the Ghaznavid Empire.
  • A Khitan princess is sent to marry into the Goryeo royal family, securing ties between the Koreans and the Liao Dynasty.
  • The Song Dynasty Chinese capital city of Kaifeng has some half a million residents by this year; including all those present in the nine designated suburbs, the population is over a million people.
  • The Chola Empire invades Bengal.
  • Europe
  • The Moorish kingdom of Valencia becomes independent from the Ummayyad Caliphate of Córdoba.
  • By place

  • Upon the death of Olof Skötkonung, he is succeeded by his son Anund Jakob as king of Sweden.
  • Asia
  • Al-Muizz ibn Badis begins to rule Ifriqiya in his own right.
  • The Song Dynasty Chinese military has one million registered soldiers, an increase since the turn of the 11th century, when the Song military only had nine hundred thousand soldiers.
  • Byzantine emperor Basil II defeats George I of Georgia.
  • A rebellion by Nikephoros Phokas Barytrachelos and Nikephoros Xiphias against Basil II fails.
  • By topic

  • Aethelnoth, Archbishop of Canterbury, is received at Rome.
  • Several Catharists are killed in Toulouse.
  • The Synod of Pavia issues decrees against non-celibate clergy and against simony.
  • Robert II the Pious burns some canons of St. Croix in Orléans, for holding that the world is inherently evil.
  • By place

  • The Judge-Governor of Seville takes advantage of the disintegration of the Caliphate of Córdoba, and seizes power as Abbad I, thus founding the Abbadid dynasty.
  • Abd ar-Rahman V is proclaimed Caliph at Córdoba.
  • Asia
  • The Ghaznavid Empire occupies Transoxiana.
  • Africa
  • Soon after returning from Mecca, the Tarsina king of Zanata, a mountain kingdom between Algeria and Morocco, is killed in battle.
  • By place

  • The Salian Dynasty of the Holy Roman Empire is founded by Conrad II.
  • April 19 – Pope John XIX succeeds Pope Benedict VIII (his brother), as the 144th pope.
  • After several years in the Peninsula, Roger of Toeni, a Norman knight, leaves the battlefields of the Ebro Valley, and heads back to France. It ends what historians have described as an early crusade.
  • Battle of Lemnos: A Rus' raid into the Aegean Sea is defeated by the Byzantines.
  • East Asia
  • The world's first paper-printed money, which later greatly benefits the economy of the Song Dynasty, originates in the Sichuan province of China.
  • South Asia
  • Emperor Mahmud of Ghazni sacks the Hindu religious center of Somnath, slaughtering over 50,000 people, and carrying off vast amounts of treasure.
  • By place

  • April 18 – Bolesław I Chrobry is crowned as the first king of Poland.
  • The North African Zirid dynasty's attempts to retake Sicily fail.
  • Byzantines abduct Arabs' Messina, before the death of Emperor Basil II.
  • Asia
  • Srivijaya, a partly Buddhist kingdom based in Sumatra, is attacked by the Chola Empire of southern India, in a dispute over trading rights in South-east Asia. It survives, but declines in importance.
  • Constantine VIII succeeds his brother Basil II as Byzantine Emperor.
  • By place

  • Aribert (archbishop of Milan) crowns Conrad II King of Italy.
  • Pietro Barbolano becomes Doge of Venice.
  • Henry the Black is made Henry VI, Duke of Bavaria by his father, Conrad II.
  • Battle of the Helgeå (off the coast of Sweden): Naval forces of Cnut the Great's North Sea Empire defeat the combined Swedish and Norwegian royal fleets.
  • Asia
  • A Zubu revolt against the Liao Dynasty is suppressed, with the Zubu forced to pay an annual tribute.
  • By place

  • March 26 – Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II Holy Roman Emperor.
  • May 14 – Henry I is crowned king of France, at Reims Cathedral.
  • approx. date – Ealdred becomes abbot of Tavistock in England.
  • Asia
  • August 16 – Bagrat IV becomes king of Georgia on the death of his father. He will hold the throne until his own death in 1072.
  • Civil war begins in Japan.
  • This is the first year of the first rabqung (60-year) cycle started in the Tibetan calendar.
  • As recorded in the Song Shi, the Song Dynasty Chinese engineer Yan Su reinvents the 3rd-century south-pointing chariot, a mechanical-driven compass vehicle.
  • The Book of Healing (Arabic: کتاب الشفاء Kitab Al-Shifaʾ, Latin: Sufficientia), a comprehensive scientific and philosophical encyclopedia written by the Persian polymath Avicenna (Abū ʿAlī ibn Sīnā), is published.
  • By place

  • April 14 – Henry III, son of Conrad II, is elected king of the Germans.
  • King Sancho III of Navarre conquers Castile.
  • Cnut becomes king of Norway.
  • Byzantine Empire
  • November 12 – Dying Emperor Constantine VIII of the Byzantine Empire marries his daughter Zoe Porphyrogenita to his chosen heir Romanus Argyrus.
  • November 15 – Romanus Argyrus becomes Eastern Roman Emperor as Romanus III.
  • Significant people

  • Henry I of France
  • Avicenna
  • References

    1020s Wikipedia

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