Neha Patil (Editor)

...At the Moment of Our Most Needing

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May 28, 2009

Release date
28 May 2009

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Rock plaza central oh i can the moment of our most needing is the fourth album by Canadian indie rock band Rock Plaza Central, released May 28, 2009 on Paper Bag Records.


The album is reportedly inspired by William Faulkner's novel Light in August.

Some advance publicity for the album reported its title as the Moment of our Most Needing or If Only They Could Turn Around, They Would Know They Weren't Alone, but its actual title upon release was just the moment of our most needing. Frontman Chris Eaton told the music magazine Magnet in March 2009 that he had not yet decided between two distinct titles, either the moment of our most needing or If Only They Could Turn Around, They Would Know They Weren't Alone, but other advance coverage of the album incorrectly reported that as a single title rather than a pending choice between two shorter ones.

Rock plaza central we are full of light that blinds us at the moment of our most needing


1Oh I Can5:21
2A Mule on Fire2:21
3(Don't You Believe the Words of) Handsome Men3:45


...At the Moment of Our Most Needing Wikipedia

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