Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Santa Maria Formosa

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Province of Venice

+39 041 523 4645

Architectural style
Renaissance architecture

Mauro Codussi

Santa Maria Formosa

Castello, 5263, 30100 Venezia, Italy

Santi Giovanni e Paolo - Ve, Santa Maria dei Miracoli, Santa Maria Zobenigo, Santo Stefano - Venice, Santi Apostoli - Venice

Santa Maria Formosa is a church in Venice, northern Italy. It was erected in 1492 under the design by Renaissance architect Mauro Codussi. It lies on the site of a former church dating from the 7th century, which, according to tradition, was one of the eight founded by San Magno, bishop of Oderzo. The name "formosa" relates to an alleged appearance of the Holy Virgin disguised as a voluptuous woman1.


Quattro minuti con casanova santa maria formosa

Exterior design and artworks

The plan is on the Latin cross, with a nave and two aisles. The two façades were commissioned in 1542, the Renaissance-style one facing the channel, and 1604, the Baroque one facing the nearby square.

The artworks in the interior include the St. Barbara polyptych by Palma the Elder, one of his most celebrated works. The Conception Chapel houses a triptych of Madonna of Misericordia by Bartolomeo Vivarini (1473), while in the Oratory is the Madonna with Child and St. Dominic by Giambattista Tiepolo (18th century). There is also a Last Supper by Leandro Bassano.

The dome of the church was rebuilt in after falling during an earthquake in 1688.


Santa Maria Formosa Wikipedia

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