Tripti Joshi (Editor)

Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria

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Siezenheim Cemetery

Archduke Viktor

House of Habsburg

Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria The brothers Karl Ludwig Ludwig Viktor Franz Josef I and

15 May 1842Hofburg Palace, Vienna, Austria (

January 18, 1919, Schloss Klessheim, Wals-Siezenheim, Austria

Princess Sophie of Bavaria, Archduke Franz Karl of Austria

Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor

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Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria (Ludwig Viktor Joseph Anton; 15 May 1842 – 18 January 1919) from the House of Habsburg was the youngest son born to Archduke Franz Karl of Austria and Princess Sophie of Bavaria and younger brother of Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria.


Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria Print Page Archduke Ludwig Victor

Archduke Karl Ludwig of Austria


Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

He was born in Vienna shortly after his sister Archduchess Maria Anna had died at four years of age, followed by a stillborn brother. His elder siblings included Emperor Franz Joseph, Emperor Maximilian I of Mexico and Archduke Karl Ludwig.

Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria kai11jpg

During the Revolutions of 1848 and the Vienna Uprising, pampered "Luziwuzi" with his royal family had to flee the Austrian capital, at first to Innsbruck, later to Olomouc. Ludwig Viktor pursued the usual military career and was appointed General of the Infantry, but had no intentions to interfere in politics. He rejected his brother Maximilian's ambitions in the Second Mexican Empire and especially plans to marry him to Princess Imperial Isabel, daughter of Emperor Pedro II of Brazil. Instead he concentrated on building up his own art collection and had a city palace erected on Schwarzenbergplatz Palais Erzherzog Ludwig Viktor in Vienna according to plans designed by Heinrich von Ferstel, where he hosted homophile soirées.

Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria Archduke Ludwig Victor

Despite his mother's attempts to arrange a marriage for him with Duchess Sophie Charlotte in Bavaria, youngest sister of Empress Elisabeth, he remained a bachelor all his life. As a result of his very public homosexuality and transvestitism, culminating in a brawl at the Central Bathhouse Vienna, his brother Emperor Franz Joseph finally forbade him to stay in Vienna. The same emperor joked that he should be given a ballerina as adjutant to keep him out of trouble.

Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria Print Page Archduke Ludwig Victor

Ludwig Viktor retired to Klessheim Palace near Salzburg where he became known as a philanthropist and patron of the arts. He died in 1919, at the age of 76, and is buried at the Siezenheim cemetery. He was the last surviving grandchild of Francis II, Holy Roman Emperor.

Titles and styles

  • 15 May 1842 – 18 January 1919 His Imperial and Royal Highness Archduke Ludwig Victor of Austria
  • References

    Archduke Ludwig Viktor of Austria Wikipedia

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