Sneha Girap (Editor)

Édouard Drumont

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Edouard Drumont


La France juive

Edouard Drumont httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

February 5, 1917, Paris, France

Organizations founded

Cercle Drumont n°2 : La Garde de Fer et le Mouvement Légionnaire par Radu Creanga

Cercle Edouard Drumont n°1 : La condamnation de l'Action Française par L’Église par Philippe Prévost

Édouard Adolphe Drumont (3 May 1844 – 5 February 1917) was a French journalist and writer. He initiated the Antisemitic League of France during 1889, and was the founder and editor of the newspaper La Libre Parole. After spending years of research, he synthesized three major types of antisemitism. The first type was traditional Catholic attitudes toward the alien "Christ killers" augmented by vehement antipathy toward the French Revolution. The second type was hostility to capitalism, of the sort promoted by the Socialists. The third type was so-called scientific racism, based on the argument that races have fixed characteristics, and asserting that the Jews have negative characteristics.


Édouard Drumont Drumont et Vacher Edouard Drumont and Georges Vacher cover

Early life

Édouard Drumont httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Drumont was born in Paris during 1844 to a family of porcelain-painters from Lille. He lost his father at the age of seventeen, and had to care for himself and earn his own livelihood from then onwards.

Public career

Édouard Drumont 1906 Dreyfus rehabilitated douard Drumont 1844 1917

He first worked in government service, and later became a contributor to the press and was the author of a number of works, of which Mon vieux Paris (1879) was awarded by the French Academy.

Édouard Drumont douard Drumont CounterCurrents Publishing

Drumont's 1886 book, La France juive (Jewish France), attacked the role of Jews in France and argued for their exclusion from society. During 1892, Drumont initiated the newspaper the La Libre Parole which became known for intense antisemitism. This newspaper was skeptical of Léo Taxil's anti-Catholic Diana Vaughan hoax before Taxil admitted it during 1897.

Édouard Drumont Edouard Drumont un antismite franais

For the French legislative election of May 1898, the antisemitic activist Max Régis endorsed Drumont before this election from Algiers. On 8 May 1898 Édouard Drumont was elected triumphantly with 11,557 votes against 2,328 and 1,741 for his opponents. Of six Algerian national deputies, four were elected on the platform of Regis's Anti-Jewish League. Drumont represented Algiers in the Chamber of Deputies from 1898 to 1902. He was sued for accusing a parliamentary deputy of having accepted a bribe from the wealthy Jewish banker Édouard Alphonse de Rothschild to pass a piece of legislation the banker wanted.

Édouard Drumont douard Drumont and Lon Bloy

Drumont had many devotees. He exploited the Panama Company scandal and reached the maximum of his notoriety during the Dreyfus Affair, in which he was the most strident of Alfred Dreyfus' accusers.

Édouard Drumont Drumont Edouard Drumont c a r i c a d o c

For his anti-Panama articles, Drumont was condemned to three months' imprisonment. During 1893 he was an unsuccessful candidate for the representation of Amiens; the next year he retired to Brussels. The Dreyfus affair helped him to regain popularity, and during 1898 he returned to France and was elected deputy for the first division of Algiers, but was defeated as a candidate for re-election in April/May 1902.


Édouard Drumont Edouard Drumont Alchetron The Free Social Encyclopedia

  • La fin d'un monde (1888)
  • Dernière battaille (1890)
  • Testament d'un antisémite (1891)
  • Secret de fourmies (1892)
  • De l'or, de la boue, du sang – Du Panama á l'anarchie (1896), dealing with the Panama scandals
  • Les Juifs et l'affaire Dreyfus (1899)
  • Vieux portraits, vieux cadres (1900)
  • La France juive

    La France juive (Jewish France) (1886)

    Édouard Drumont Edouard Drumont le chantre de l39antismitisme dans la France de la


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