Girish Mahajan (Editor)


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Place of origin
Vatapá Receita de Vatap Baiano Receitas de Comidas

Main ingredients
Acarajé, Caruru, Moqueca, Tacacá, Feijoada

Acaraj 2 como fazer vatap

Vatapá (Yoruba: vata'pa, [vɐtɐˈpa]) is a Brazilian dish made from bread, shrimp, coconut milk, finely ground peanuts and palm oil mashed into a creamy paste. It is common to the North and Northeast regions of Brazil. In the northeastern state of Bahia it is commonly eaten with acarajé. Vatapá is often eaten with white rice in other regions of Brazil. The shrimp can be replaced with ground tuna, chicken or cod among other options.


Vatapá Flavors of Brazil RECIPE Vatap Version 1 as a sidedish

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Vatapá VATAP NO GARAGEM at Garagem Bar Vilhena

Vatapá httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Vatapá How to make Vatap YouTube


Vatapá Wikipedia

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