Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Uz Maršala Tita

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Uz Maršala Tita (Serbo-Croatian: Uz Maršala Tita, English: With Marshal Tito) is a Yugoslav Partisan anthem about Marshal and president of SFR Yugoslavia Josip Broz Tito, written by Vladimir Nazor and composed by Oskar Danon.

During the World War II in Yugoslavia, the Ustaše regime in German-sponsored Independent State of Croatia (NDH) and some Bosniaks who campaigned for autonomy or independence from the NDH, claimed origins from Goths (i.e., Ostrogoths, see also theories about origin of Croats), instead of Slavs, which would make them "Aryans", and closer to the Nazi regime. The middle stanza of this song addresses that by outright refutal of Gothic theory and by reaffirming the Slavic origins of all South Slavs.


Serbian cyrillic:

Уз маршала Tита, јуначкога сина
Нас неће ни пакао смест'.
Mи дижемо чело, ми крочимо чело смјело
И чврсто стискамо пест'

Род прастари сви смо, а готи ми нисмо
Славенства смо древнога чест.
Ко друкчије каже, клевеће и лаже
Нашу че остетит' пест.

Све прсте на руци јаду и муци
Партизанска створила је свијест.
Па сад кад и треба, до сунца до неба
Високо ми дижемо пест.


Uz Maršala Tita Wikipedia