Harman Patil (Editor)


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Other names
Orda, Zsendice

Traditionally, no

Source of milk
Cow Sheep Goat


Country of origin
Romania, Macedonia, Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine

Countries of origin
Romania, Macedonia (FYROM), Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine

Telemea, Brânză de burduf, Plăcintă, Sheep, Kashkaval

Urdă ([ˈurdə], Macedonian: урда, urda, Bulgarian: урда, извара, Serbian: вурда, vurda, Ukrainian: вурда, Hungarian: orda, zsendice) is a sort of whey cheese common in the Balkans, variously claimed to be Romanian, Serbian, Macedonian and Hungarian.

Urdă Totul despre urda

The Romanian term 'urdă' has been borrowed into Bulgarian, Hungarian, Serbian, Slovak, Rusyn, Polish, Czech, and Russian.

Urda is made from whey of sheep, goat or cow milk. Urdă is produced by heating the whey resulting from the draining of any type of cheese. It is often made into molds to the shape of a half sphere. The paste is finely grained, silky and palatable. It contains 18 grams of protein per 100 grams.

Urdă Beneficiile consumului de urd asupra sntii FitnessNutriie

In Romania, urdă is traditionally used in the preparation of several desserts, such as clătită and plăcintă. Urda is also traditionally prepared in Serbia, notably in the southern region of Pirot.

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Urdă is similar to Ricotta in the way it is produced.

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