Suvarna Garge (Editor)

U Boot (beer cocktail)

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U-Boot (beer cocktail) Uboat cocktail experience served in a bottle

Ouzini, Juan Collins, Bumbo, Macuá, Four Horsemen

A U-Boot is a beer cocktail (popular in Germany, Poland, Macedonia, and Flanders) that is made with a glass of beer and a shot glass of vodka. In Germany, the liquor korn is sometimes used instead, while in Flanders and the Netherlands, jonge jenever is preferred.

U-Boot (beer cocktail) u boot YouTube

It is called a U-Boot (German abbreviation of Unterseeboot, "submarine") because the shot glass of vodka sinks to the bottom of the glass of beer. The shot glass then "surfaces" when the cocktail is drunk.

U-Boot (beer cocktail) Jgermeister uboat YouTube

In Flanders and the Netherlands, it is called a "Duikboot", literally translated "Submarine". It is seen as a variant on the kopstoot (lit. "headbutt") in the Netherlands. The kopstoot is a shot of jenever followed by a beer as a chaser.

U-Boot (beer cocktail) Polski UBoot Polish UBoot Drink YouTube

In Macedonia it is called "Подморница" - "Podmornica", literally translated "Submarine".

In southern Germany, U-Boot is usually served as a combination of Fanta and cognac instead of beer and vodka.

U-Boot (beer cocktail) UBoot Drink beer cocktail Wideo 4K YouTube

In Mexico, it is called "Submarino", Spanish for "Submarine". Instead of vodka, it uses tequila, and the shot glass must be left inverted inside the beer glass.

In Sorbia, vodka and orange juice is used.


U-Boot (beer cocktail) Wikipedia

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