Kourtney Jenner (Editor)

Your Guide to Gambling Laws in Indonesia

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In Indonesia, where there are no physical casinos, gambling in traditional casinos and betting on horse races is illegal. However, if you're interested in online betting options, there are various reputable online platforms available.

Indonesia is renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty, luxurious resorts, delectable cuisine, stunning beaches, and vibrant nightlife. Amidst these alluring attractions, one might naturally assume that casinos would be a part of the country's entertainment scene. However, that is certainly not the case in Indonesia. The ban on gambling in Indonesia is a strict one, and anyone caught engaging in illegal gambling activities faces significant consequences. 먹튀검증 

Tourists in Indonesia often engage in sightseeing, sunbathing, and exploring the rich marine life. Afterward, many like to unwind by heading to clubs and meeting new people. Gambling is a popular form of entertainment for some tourists; however, it's important to note that gambling is not legal in Indonesia. The majority of Indonesia's population is Muslim, and Islam prohibits both gambling and alcohol. Therefore, if you choose to visit Bali, you should be aware that there are no casinos in the region due to these legal and cultural considerations.


Playing poker in Indonesia is illegal, and it is not advisable to participate in private games as it could lead to legal troubles and potentially make you a target for theft, given the risk of carrying large sums of cash. The only way to engage in a poker game would be to host one in a hotel room, as hotel staff typically do not intervene.

Indonesia, as the fourth most populous country globally, has a population that is over 85% Muslim. The strict rules and regulations against gambling and other illegal activities are largely a result of the strong adherence to religious and cultural values. In Islamic faith, the consumption of alcohol, gambling, betting on games, and various other illegal activities are strictly prohibited.