Ziba Farshad (Editor)

The effect of music on the brain

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The science of music psychology
Music psychology is a branch that understands music and its concepts and examines the effect of music on the brain and everyday behaviors. Human interest in music throughout history and the advice of philosophers and scientists, has led researchers to use advanced tools to study the effects of music on the human brain. آهنگ مادر آرون افشارThis research led to the development of a branch of psychology called psychology, which seeks to investigate how the nervous system responds to music for a variety of purposes and research.
Psychological effects and benefits of music
The psychological effects of music are much stronger and more widespread than you might think. Music therapy is a way to promote emotional health and deal with stress. Some research also believes that people's tastes in music determine different aspects of their personality.
1- The benefits of music on the brain
Here are some benefits of listening to music (good music):
The effect of music on the brain Improve cognitive function
Research shows that playing music in the background while you are focused on something else can improve your mental performance. آهنگ شیک و پیک Quality music speeds up brain processing and improves memory performance. Usually non-verbal and quiet music is better for this than those with complex lyrics.
2- Reduces stress
Music has a positive effect on people's autonomic nervous system and can reduce stress. It also helps the person under stress to recover faster. In fact, stress and anxiety are an integral part of today's busy life. Mild music can be a relief from stress, but it does not cure chronic and severe stress.
3- The effect of music on the brain | Helps you eat less
If you decide to lose weight, listening to soft music and dimming while eating is effective for this purpose. This method makes you eat more calmly,اهنگ باز که چتری زدی thus increasing the feeding time and amount. As a result, you will sleep easier.
4- Improves your memory
This varies from person to person, but in general, listening to neutral, non-verbal music can improve your memory performance. Learning new concepts, especially other languages, using music and rhythmic and melodic techniques also helps to make it more understandable and lasting.
5- The effect of music on the brain | Helps you control pain
Listening to music for an hour a day can greatly reduce your pain. Listening to music before and after surgery also helps treat anxiety and pain.اهنگ دیدی گفتم بی تو یه درده According to research, those who listened to music regularly needed less medication and recovered faster.
6- It helps you sleep better
Listening to soothing classical music is a safe and cost-effective way to treat insomnia. According to experiments performed on a group of students, listening to classical music while sleeping has an even greater effect on insomnia treatment and sleep quality than listening to audiobooks.
7- The effect of music on the brain | A stimulus to increase motivation
Listening to louder music helps you to do harder tasks. Also, playing music while exercising has a direct effect on your energy level.اهنگ یار جنگی من شلوارپلنگی من با صدای زن So that faster music will increase your mobility and energy and quiet music will make your activity calmer and smoother.
8- Improves your mood
Listening to happy and positive music will make you feel better. Of course, in this case, your efforts to get better are important. Those who consciously listen to positive music to improve their mood improve their mood more than those who are indifferent to that music.
9- The effect of music on the brain | Reduce the symptoms of depression
In this case, too, the type of music is very important. Calm music improves the symptoms of depression, anxiety and some neurological diseases such as Parkinson's. If heavy and exciting music, it can be harmful.
10- Increase endurance and improve performance
Making rhythmic footsteps while walking increases energy and improves gait. Endurance runners can also increase their performance by listening to stimulating music. Coordinating body movements with music can also improve performance and increase endurance. Listening to music at work makes the passage of time easier for you and reduces work-related fatigue.اهنگ تو شدی ارامشم It will also increase your physical function, such as regulating your heart rate, better breathing and reducing muscle pain.
Music distracts while driving
For all its conveniences, the music can be a distraction, especially while driving. Studies have shown that listening to music can distract young people while driving. Drivers are more likely to be careless and err in driving while listening to their favorite music. According to research, unattractive or unfamiliar music is a better choice for safe driving.
What effect does music have on children's brains?
Children who deal with music perform better than their peers in skills such as reading, language learning, math learning, and motor skills. Children who learn music at an early age increase the flexibility of their brains, زیبا صنم ارون افشارresulting in greater ability to change and grow. Studies have shown that learning music even for half an hour increases blood flow to the left hemisphere.
The effect of music on the brains of the elderly
As we said, there is no age limit for learning music and it is never too late to deal with it. Music also affects the elderly. Those who are accustomed to singing or dancing to music enjoy greater physical and mental health and better social interaction with others. Music protects the brain against diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer's and improves cognitive skills. Older people who engage in musical activities or have a musical background have more mental flexibility and later develop memory impairment.
Music therapy and improving the quality of life
People can listen to music just for fun and enjoyment, but they also enjoy its therapeutic benefits. In addition, when you are sick, you can use music as a kind of treatment and sedative. The goal of music therapists is to address the psychological, physical, cognitive and social needs of patients. Music therapy is often used for many diseases such as autism, dementia, Alzheimer's, chronic pain, emotional trauma and a variety of mental disorders such as depression. This type of treatment focuses on improving mood,نوان عجب بارونیه increasing motivation, reducing frustration, anger and anxiety.
Music has the power of inspiration and fun. It also has strong psychological effects that can improve your health and well-being. Instead of thinking about music as a hobby, consider some of the major mental benefits that music brings to your life. You may find that you become more motivated,بزن باران ايهام happier, and calmer over time. Paying attention to the type of music and its effect on your mind is also important. Choosing the right type of music for your situation will increase your performance and adaptability in different areas of life.

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