Trizia Yhumi (Editor)

Jamaican official rebukes casino opponents

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Tourism Secretary Edmund Bartlett described their opposition as irrational and illogical in his most scathing remarks against people who oppose casino gambling over the weekend and argued that tourism attraction would be controlled.
"Don't get caught up in the idea that casino gambling will be rampant in Jamaica," Bartlett insisted at the East Central St James School Board's annual teacher awards ceremony in the tourist and recreational city on Saturday.

he said the idea that casinos would be set up in every corner of the island in a similar way to gambling houses and cash pot shops that lead to Jamaicans becoming addicted is fueling irrational fears.  온라인 슬롯

but Bartlett argued that casino games, as Prime Minister Bruce Golding pointed out, are only part of the offering of tourism products and will not exceed 15% of the total experience."

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