Lcars Com (Editor)

How to make a post shareable over the social media profiles?

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In this age of sharing each and every single thing over the social media platform and to be sure that all things are visible to everyone. For this you should know and understand that how to make a post shareable.

Also, there are a lot of people in the world who keep their accounts private over multiple social media platform but even after that they want to make it that their post and pictures and each kind of story they share over those platforms should be visible to maximum number of people in order to increase the views and like and comments of the same.

Therefore, keeping in mind this particular issue that how to make a post shareable over various types of social media platforms. We have written this particular article in order to help you out in this situation and also to make you aware about the steps that you need to take in order to make your post or a story shareable over the social media and get a lot of likes and comments out of the same.

First of all, I am going to tell you that what all are the steps that you need to take in order to make your post shareable over the internet.

However, for each and every kind of the platform the process or steps mentioned might be changed a bit or slightly different. But, also most of the steps and processes are considered to be the same for all the platforms as we have to make your account not a private account but a public account.

First of all, whatever social media platform you are using you need to go on the settings page. so that we can make your account public. 

just go on the settings page, open the privacy option over there and search that which particular option is available for you for your account settings purpose.

Select your account setting option over that settings page and there will be one option available over there that your account is private or public. you need to make sure that your account is public and not private.

After making your account settings changed from private account to public account. Now you need to make sure that the post that you are sharing is visible to all people and is being shared over the public commonly.

To make the similar changes that you want, you have to make a brand new post or a story. Now while uploading it or sending it on the internet, you need to make sure that the privacy option is being selected for public option and not your friend circle only.

By ensuring these two steps in your settings, you will be understanding that what exactly is the process of making a post shareable and I hope you have got the answer for your question or a query on how to make a post shareable over a different kind of social media platform.

There are many other types of methods available on the internet but I have told you the most simplest and most easiest methods that you can ever check on in your life for making a post shareable over a different kind of social media platform. 

So, what are you waiting for? Continue applying those particular process or the steps in order to make your profile or post shareable over the social media platform.s and also to get a lot of the likes, comments, followers, subscribers, and also the shares. 

For knowing more about the statement or the question that how to make a post shareable over the social media platforms. You need to understand the same points mentioned above in the article and to get the desired results of your post shared over the internet on the various different  social media platforms.