Sarmistha Roy (Editor)

Guppy Fish ? A Complete Details about this Familiar Pet Fish

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If you are seeking to create a colorful aquarium, then add a cute and adorable Guppy Fish in your aquarium. The combination of beauty and peacefulness is found in a replica of Guppy Fish. However, for adding this cute pet in your aquarium, you have to know the detail care guide about this fish.


The name ‘Guppy’ was derived from a geologist, Robert John Lechmere Guppy, in 1866. At first, Guppy Fish was found in a river near Trinidad. Later, it became popular in South America, Britain, Brazil and North America.

The male Guppies have colorful splashes, spots, and stripes on their bodies and females have gray and black spots. The size of the male Guppy is 0.6-1.4” (1.5-3.5 cm) and the size of the female Guppy is 1.2-2.4” (3.4-6.9 cm). The male Guppies have long and a narrow anal fin which is known as gonopodium and the females have a gravid spot on their spines.

Guppy Fish is a non-aggressive species, so try to keep it with peaceful fish breeds such as Molly Fish, Corydoras, Platies, Bristlenose Pleco, Gouramis, Neon Tetras, Ghost Shrimps, Endler’s Livebearers, African Dwarf Frogs and Snails. Don’t keep Guppies with Cichlids, Tetras, Barbs, and Sharks.

Diet Requirements

Guppy Fish is an omnivoros fish that prefers eating herbs and meat. You can feed it 1-2 times a day but in a small quantity. Overfeeding may cause various diseases to Guppy Fish. Some favorite foods of Guppies are Spinach, Bloodworms, Mosquito Larvae, Brine Shrimps, Lettuce Leaves, Cucumber Slices, Tomatoes, Peas and Algae.

Tank Requirements

Guppy Fish is a hardy fish, but it prefers living in the warm freshwater of South America. So, when you are setting an aquarium, keep warm water in a 10-gallon tank for keeping 4-5 Guppies.

The water temperature of the tank should be 75-82°F (23.88-27.77°C). You can use a thermometer while setting the tank. The pH level of the water should be 7.0-7.8, and the water hardness should be 8-12 dGH.

Use mild liquid soap and a soft sponge to clean the walls and the corners of the fish tank. A clean tank will help a Guppy live longer. You can change 30% of the water in the aquarium of Guppy Fish.

Breeding Process

Guppies can reproduce the highest number of fish breeds in 3-5 months. Like Molly Fish, Guppies are also livebearer, which gives birth to live fries. The male Guppies wriggle their tails and attract the females during the mating process. You can buy a breeding box for keeping the small fries in the aquarium. You may also provide foods to the fries in that breeding box.

Types of Guppies

Another name of Guppy Fish is Rainbow Fish, which has various shades. Among 300 species, we have enlisted the name of some common Guppies as follows:

1.       Blue Guppy

2.       Albino Guppy

3.       Bronze Guppy

4.       Blue-Green Bicolor Guppy

5.       Half Black Red Guppy

6.       Black Pastel Guppy

7.       Black Blue Guppy

8.       Green Guppy

9.       Purple Guppy

10.   Red Guppy

11.   Multi-Colored Guppy

12.   Leopard Guppy

13.   Snakeskin Guppy

The above-mentioned petite knowledge about Guppy Fish will help you take care of this species. Its requirements are drafted here for you so that you don’t feel trouble in petting this fish.
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