Fivethy Three (Editor)

Fireworks on Lee Kang in..."Why did you post Hwang Eui jos photo on SNS?" Critical comments

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While national soccer player Hwang Eui-jo (Norwich City) is under police investigation for illegal filming, the arrows of criticism directed at him have shifted to national team junior Lee Kang-in (Paris Saint-Germain).

Lee took to social media on Wednesday to express his feelings about playing his final A-match of 2023. The South Korean national team wrapped up its last A match of the year on Nov. 21 with a 3-0 victory over China.

Lee shared a photo of the team's match and wrote, "The 2023 national team matches are over. I will do my best to be a great support for you in 2024," he said. However, some social media users criticized Lee Kang-in for sharing a photo of Hwang Eui-jo doing a goal celebration. 호텔카지노 

Some commented on the post, saying, "I don't think it's appropriate to post a photo of an illegal shooting suspect in a post thanking the national team," "Why do you have to post a group photo of Hwang Ui-jo," and "Please remove the photo of Hwang Ui-jo for the sake of the victims." Some users also commented on the post.

In the midst of this, the legal representative of Hwang Ui-jo's private video leak victim, A, held a press conference on the same day and said, "A clearly asked Hwang Ui-jo to delete the private video in the past."

A also revealed the contents of a conversation she had with Hwang Ui-jo on Messenger after the leaked private video. "Hwang took the video against the victim's will," said Lee Eun-soo, a lawyer representing A. "We will submit the contents of the conversation to (the police) as evidence of Hwang's guilt."

The lawyer also warned the Korean Football Association (KFA) and coach Jürgen Klinsmann, who had expressed reservations about the allegations against Hwang, to "realize that it is time to refrain from making choices and actions that support secondary victimization."