Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Taleides Painter

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About 500 BC

Known for
Vase painting


Black-figure style

Taleides Painter httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Full Name
Unknown. Named from his collaboration with the potter, Taleides

Notable work
He painted vases for the potters Taleides and Timagoras

The Taleides Painter was an Attic vase painter of the black-figure style, active in the second half of the 6th century BC. His conventional name is derived from the fact that he cooperated closely with the potter Taleides, many of whose vases he painted. He also worked for the potter Timagoras.

Works (selection)

  • Athens, Akropolis Museum
  • fragment of a loutrophoros
  • Athens, National Museum
  • lekythos 414
  • Berlin, Antikensammlung
  • Little-master cup F 1721 • psykter-oinochoe 31131
  • Borden Wood, Collection Mrs. Winifred Lamb
  • lekythos
  • Boston, Museum of Fine Arts
  • oinochoe 10.210 • amphora 63.952 • hydria 68.105 • hydria 99.522
  • Brunswick, Bowdoin College
  • fragment 2
  • Eleusis, Archaeological Museum
  • lekythos 961
  • Hamburg, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe
  • amphora 1917.474
  • Limenas, Museum
  • cup fragment
  • Madrid, Museo Arqueológico Nacional
  • oinochoe' 10932 (L 55)
  • Malibu, The J. Paul Getty Museum
  • lekythos 76.AE.48
  • Munich, Antikensammlung
  • lekythos
  • Oxford, Ashmolean Museum
  • fragment of a lekythos G 571
  • Paris, Musée National du Louvre
  • hydria Cp10655 • ‚hydria F 38 • ‚'hydria F 39 • Oinochoe F 340 • oinochoe F 341
  • Rome, Museo Nazionale di Villa Giulia
  • amphora 15538 • Lekythos M 556
  • St. Petersburg, Hermitage
  • hydria 4467
  • Sydney, University, Nicholson Museum
  • fragment of a lekythos 48.284 (former Borden Wood, Collection Mrs. Winifred Lamb)
  • Syracuse, Museo Archeologico Regionale Paolo Orsi
  • fragment of a Little-master cup 7354 • lekythos 8276
  • Taranto, Museo Archeologico Nazionale
  • lekythos 117183
  • Vatican, Museo Gregoriano Etrusco
  • Little-master cup Albizatti 321 Little-master cup 39546 (formerly Guglielmi collection)


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