Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Susanne Renner

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Susanne Renner

Susanne Renner LMU Munich

Flowering Plants of Amazonian Ecuador: A Checklist

Susanne Sabine Renner (born 5 October 1954, in Berlin) is a German botanist. She is professor of biology at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich as well as director of the Botanische Staatssammlung München and the Botanischer Garten München-Nymphenburg. She received her M. Sc. in Biology in 1980 and her Doctor rerum naturalium in 1984, both from the University of Hamburg. She is married to American ornithologist and ecologist Robert Ricklefs.

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Susanne Renner Susanne S Renner LudwigMaximiliansUniversity of Munich Munich

Susanne Renner Darwin and the Evolution of Flowers Royal Society

Susanne Renner Ecology and Evolutionary Biology University of Michigan Events

Susanne Renner Polygraph B Susanne Renner


Susanne Renner Wikipedia

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