Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Sulfuryl chloride fluoride

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colourless gas

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Related compounds
SO2Cl2, SO2F2 ClSO2(NCO)

Sulfuryl chloride fluoride is the chemical compound with the formula SO2ClF. It is employed as a solvent for highly oxidizing compounds.

The laboratory-scale synthesis begins with the preparation of potassium fluorosulfite:

SO2 + KF → KSO2F

This salt is then chlorinated to give sulfuryl chloride fluoride

KSO2F + Cl2 → SO2ClF + KCl

Further heating (180 °C) of potassium fluorosulfite with the sulfuryl chloride fluoride gives sulfuryl fluoride.

Alternatively, sulfuryl chloride fluoride can be prepared without using gases as starting materials by treating sulfuryl chloride with ammonium fluoride or potassium fluoride in trifluoroacetic acid.

SO2Cl2 + NH4F → SO2ClF + NH4Cl


Sulfuryl chloride fluoride Wikipedia

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