Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Steve Pugh

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Notable works
Steve Pugh

Steve Pugh stevepugh

March 24, 1966 (age 58) Birmingham (

Writer, Artist, Inker, Letterer, Colourist

Steve Pugh is a British comic book artist who has worked for American and British comic producers including DC, Marvel, Dark Horse and 2000 AD.

Steve Pugh Steve Pugh39s Hotwire by DeevElliott on DeviantArt


Steve Pugh Steve Pugh39s Hotwire by DeevElliott on DeviantArt

Pugh's earliest work included penciling John Ostrander's Youngblood, telling the story of his futuristic sword and sorcery character Grimjack's childhood and early adulthood, as well as providing covers for the Grimjack Case Files limited series. He also illustrated Pat Mills' Third World War before starting a brief run on Hellblazer with writer Jamie Delano. Pugh returned to Animal Man starting with issue 7, replacing Travel Foreman

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Recent work includes writing and drawing Hotwire: Requiem for the Dead, a story based on concepts developed by Warren Ellis. It was originally planned to appear in Atomeka Press's Blast and then in 2005 their Bojeffries Terror Tomes #1 before finally being published by Radical Comics.

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