Neha Patil (Editor)

Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odessa

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Bronze sculpture


Francesco Boffo

Sobor Square, Odessa


Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odessa httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

sculptor Friedrich Brugger (sculpture, bas-reliefs); merchant Telyatnikov P.A. (pedestal); architector Francesco Carlo Boffo

Monument to Alexande, Monument to Sergey Utochkin, Transfiguration Cathedral in Odessa, Monument to the founders, Monument to Leonid Utiosov

Statue of Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov in Odessa is a sculptural monument in honor of the General-Governor of Novorossiya Region and plenipotentiary governor of Bessarabia Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov, who was a graf until 1845, knyaz from 1845 and Field Marshal. Established in 1863 on the Sobor Square in Odessa. Sculptor is Friedrich Brugger, he made sculpture and bas-reliefs, and piedestal was maden under command of Sevastopol 1-st guild merchant P.A. Telyatnikov, architector Francesco Carlo Boffo.


It is the second monument (statue) in Odessa after the Statue of the Duke of Richelieu.

This statue became a symbol of the Soviet Union KGB in Odessa.

This statue has some names due to various history periods:

  • The statue of Vorontsov, the rank was not mentioned to conceal anti-Soviet title from 1930s to 1970s or later.
  • The statue of Graf Vorontsov due to Vorontsov was a Graf when he was a General-Governor in Novorossiya and Bessarabia with the center in Odessa and due to intelligence relations during the Soviet Union KGB period.
  • The statue of Knyaz Vorontsov due to the statue being erected when departed Vorontsov already was a knyaz, on this monument inscription mentioned Knyaz Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov.
  • History of creation

    The governor of the Novorossiya Region Graf Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov died on November 6, 1856. He was buried in Odessa Cathedral. His authority, love and respect to him from fellow citizens were so great that soon after the death of Mikhail Vorontsov the "Society of Agriculture of South Russia" extraordinary meeting, whose president he was, unanimously adopted a proposal to erect a monument to him. The Society appealed to the Emperor Alexander II of Russia for permission to start the collecting of money as per the subscription for the construction of a monument to this illustrious General-Governor in Odessa. The highest permission was granted, and a subscription inside the whole empire was successful.

    The vice-president of Society Graf M.D. Tolstoy was elected as the Chairman of the Committee for the collection of offerings, and he became the first and most generous contributor. Emperor Alexander II donated 3000 silver rubles "from their own sums", many citizens of Odessa of the subscription paid own savings in the first days of the opening. Donations came from the citizens of Russia and from foreigners also.

    The monument project was made by famous German sculptor Friedrich Brugger (1815–1870). Implementation of all the bronze works, the statue of Vorontsov and the bas-reliefs, were committed via the Russian envoy in Munich, Privy Councillor Severin to the author of the project with the payment of 32,000 Bavarian guldens including delivery to Trieste or Vienna.

    The appearance of the Field Marshal, despite the enormity of the statue, bears a striking resemblance to the departed Knyaz Vorontsov, because the sculptor took advantage of the last portrait of Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov by the Berlin master of portraiture Franz Krüger (1797–1857). This artist was self-taught, but in spite of that, he became a professor and member of the Berlin Academy of Arts. He executed several important works commissioned by Emperor Nicholas I of Russia and had the title of "Honorary freestyle partakers of Petersburg Academy of Arts" from 1833. He painted the famous portrait of Nicholas I of Russia on horseback which posted in the Winter Palace.

    As per request of the Committee, the pedestal had to be made from "mountain-boulders", produced on the southern coast of Crimea as the memory of the departed Knyaz Vorontsov works in this region. The Sevastopol I-st guild merchant P.A. Telyatnikov took over in own responsibilities the making of the pedestal. According to estimates of this merchant the pedestal including delivery to the place, would have been cost 12,000–13,000 rubles. However, at the beginning of this venture the failure occurred: prepared stone boulders drowned in the sea despite the precautions taken by the Committee and the merchant Telyatnikov. The estimated loss was more than 7000 rubles. But Telyatnikov added own 3000 rubles to the appropriated amount.

    Eleven stone blocks, the smaller of which weighed more than 200 pounds, were mined near Ayu-Dag for the plinth, cornice, and the middle of the monument's pedestal. The mountain "was torn by gunpowder" in one and a half versts from the Black Sea coast. The stone blocks were dragging through rocks and ravines, which had to be filled with the stones and cut trees, during 3 months to load on a ship. It was impossible to use horses or bulls in these conditions. During three months about 70 people were involved in this works every day. There were days when the stone block overcame only one sazhen (sazhen (2.13 metres) during the day. And a new obstacle was waiting on the shore: the precipice in height of 4 sazhens, which was extended by shallow and this shallow did not allow the ship to approach the shore. It was necessary to build a bridge, which was completed and had length of 20 sazhens. The swell at sea also raised difficulties and only during some hours per day, during the calm weather, was possible to carry out works.

    On the way to Odessa the ship being towed by large steamship Alexander (Russian: Александр), this steamer was employed in the "Society of Shipping and Trade". From the beginning of the sea voyage was strong wind which raised the risk of loss of stability due to bigger stones were placed on the deck due to the inability to load them into the hold.

    On arrival in Odessa the stone blocks had to be replaced from the pier on the Sobor Square in Odessa city, to the site of monument installation. It was necessary to overcome a great climb and oak rollers, which were placed under the huge stone blocks, turned into chips.

    The report of the Committee about the expenses due to the construction of the monument, which was published during that period, descrides all summary offerings collected 45,072 rubles 12 kopecks, including 13,134 rubles 50 kopecks in Odessa. The sculptor Friedrich Brugger received 21,125 rubles 18 kopecks, the pedestal's stones cost 15,000 rubles, the pedestal finishing pedestal cost 5,097 rubles 23 kopecks.

    Presentation day

    The opening of the monument took place on November 8, 1863. Local newspaper Одесский вестник (Odessa herald) wrote:

    "On the 8 of November, the day of St. Michael, Odessa celebrated the opening of a monument of His Serene Highness Knyaz Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov. In the morning of this day the vast Sobor Square, where the monument to the departed Knyaz was erected after seven years from the day of his death, was filled with dense crowd total up to 20,000 souls. All parts of the Square, all surrounding streets, all windows, balconies and roofs of the houses were dappled with people. An extensive temporary platform for the audience was constructed at the house of Mr. Mimi, directly opposite the Cathedral. About noon, after the Divine Liturgy which was carried out in the Cathedral be the Most Reverend Dimitriy, the Kherson and Odessa archbishop, the procession ... had moved from the Cathedral and took the marked for her places around the monument, which were arranged by 4 platform: for the clergy, for the Generalitat, for local and non-resident citizens. During the ceremony following persons attended: Novorossiya and Bessarabia General-Governor and Commander of the Odessa Military District General-Adjutant Mr. Kotzebue, General-Adjutant Graf Stroganoff, Odessa provost, teachers of educational and charitable institutions, members of the nobility, the clergy, the deputation from different cities, from the German and Bulgarian colonies, from Tatars, the patriarchs of the city, artisans who worked on the construction of the monument, the disabled, who served under the command of the departed Knyaz M.S. Vorontsov, army troops ... The following members of the House of Knyaz Vorontsov were Her Serene Highness Knyaginya E.K. Vorontsova and the son of Knyaz M.S. Vorontsov, His Serene Highness Knyaz S.M. Vorontsov".

    Then the ritual of monument consecration was carried out by the church servants. During the ceremony solemn eulogies sounded, fireworks thundered. The triumph was ended with the parade of the troops march. The monument quickly became a tourist attraction.


    This bronze statue of the valiant commander, a participant of battles in the Balkans and in Germany, the commander of the occupation troops in France, portrays the General-Governor of Novorossiya in the mantle with a field marshal's baton. This monument reminds one of the noblest sons of Russia, whose name is associated with unprecedentedly rapid progress of development in education, trade, and public welfare in Odessa city and region.

    The statue mounted on the tetrahedral pedestal of polished and shiny dark green with whitish and blackish speckles Crimean diorite.

    The height of bronze figure is 3.2 meters. The total height of the monument is more than 8 meters.

    Following three bas-reliefs with inscriptions were posted on the pedestal sides and the inscription was installed on the front side of the pedestal:

  • The bas-relief has inscription "Craonne in 1814" and reminds the event of the war in France, before the abdication of Napoleon, when Vorontsov led the Russian army troops to restrain the enemy onslaught.
  • The bas-relief has the inscription "Varna in 1828" and reminds the moment of delivery the fortress keys of Varna from the enemy during the Russian-Turkish war. Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov is in the center.
  • Third bas-relief has inscription "For the General-Governor of Novorossiya Region and Bessarabia, 1823-1854" and reminds about rapidly developing of agriculture and trade during Vorontsov management in Odessa.
  • The inscription "To His Serene Highness Prince Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov from grateful countrymen in 1863".
  • The inscription had been destroyed and replaced by a wicked epigram of Alexander Pushkin in 1930s.

    The fence of the monument consisted 12 cast-iron pedestals which were decorated with coats of arms of the city and connected by the chains. Unfortunately, the arms of the city were chipped ruthlessly and savagely.

    During the revolution movements and wars (1870-1924)

    The revolution movement commenced in Odessa in 1870s and required the secrecy. The revolutionaries kept a sharp look out to avoid any surveillance from Police and her agents, which were named "spies".

    Bolshevik uprising broke out in Odessa on the 13 of January 1918 and result was unsuccessful. It created Odessa Soviet Republic which declared the war between Romania and Soviet troops. This "independence" did not brought the joy and tranquility for the citizens of Odessa due to the trade, the main foundation of Odessa prosperity, was destroyed day by day. The power in the city belonged to the persons who could collect, equip and arm a one or two hundred of thugs.

    The Austro-Hungarian and German troops under the command of General Kosh entered in Odessa on the 13 of March 1818. Odessa Soviet army troops and the Bolshevik's leaders and the Soviet regime leaders had fled from the city and had not even try to resist the invaders. Austria-Hangary occupation of Odessa was confirmed by Declaration dated 25 of March 1918. By the end of 1918 Odessa was divided into three "influence" zones: one part of the city was controlled by Polish shooters, another one was controlled by Petlyura troops, and the third part was controlled by the White Volunteer Army. New 1919 year Odessans met in the occupation due to French troops entered the city.

    Various Ukrainian, Red Army, foreign armies troops and bandits groups were changed in Odessa during the period from 1918 to 1924.

    Finally Odessa citizens got good experiense regarding sepcrecy actions, the underground organization, information transfer, the shadowing and the lurking during period from 1870s to 1924. For this purpose was used any subject in the city. The mothers taught small children do not step on the underground water canal hatches using the phrase: "Do not step on the luke (hatch)! Will get the failng!" This phrase means "Can fall down under the luke, into the water canal" or "Can get control from the police's spy". Also here mentioned and the exit: to climb down in Odessa catacombs to avoid spy's control.

    Also could be used and monuments, statues for meeting as the area at the statue or monument is easily visible from afar. For example: information about spy's control can be monitored via a monument or statue, depends at which side of monument a human stay or depends at which monuments the meeting was ordered.

    From the formation of the Soviet Union before World War II

    In 1935 or earlear the Sobor Square was renamed The Square of the 10th anniversary of the Red Army. In 1936 or later, in the second part of 1930s, the Soviet authorities tried to destroy the Statue of Graf Vorontsov, but the thick steel chain, which was secured around to the monument and to a powerful tractor, parted. The monuments was not destroyed and to avoid any problem regarding ideology the citizens of Odessa used own famous humor. The Graf Vorontsov was a General-Governor of Novorossiya and Bessarabia with the center in Odessa when famous Russian poet Alexandr Pushkin visited Odessa. The Graf and the poet were not friendly and Alexander Pushkin dedicated a short verse for the Graf, and the old inscription on the monument's piedestal «Your Highness Knyaz Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov from grateful countrymen. 1863 year.» was deleted and changed by Alexander Pushkin epigrame as per dissigion of Odessa Agitprop:

    So, the Graf was berated by the Pushkin's verse, but his monument was not destroyed. Necessary to pay attention, that when Alexander Pushkin wrote this verse and the mutual understanding between the poet and Graf Vorontsov was absent fully, the Vasily Zhukovsky arrived in Odessa to clarify situation between Pushkin and Vorontsov. Vasily Zhukovsky was a poet and representative of Russian tsar regarding intelligence questions.

    Anyhow the Statue of Vorontsov was looked like a sinister symbol during Stalin era due to the jargon "voronok" means the black car which was taking people to jail from 1930-s to 1950s. The words "Voronok" and Vorontsov have the same base root "voron" that means a black bird black raven (Russian: Ворон). This birth eats carrion. And the Statue of Vorontsov like a Common raven.

    During World War II

    On beginning of World War II the anti-aircraft guns were installed on the Square, close to the monument also, to protect Odessa city from the bombing. The siege of Odessa (1941) lasted from 5 of August to 16 of October 1941, when the Soviet troops leaved the city and in enemy troops entered the city.

    The godfather of the Statue of Yuri Dolgoruky in Moscow

    General Georgiy Zhukov was appointed a commander of the troops of the Odessa Military District from 9 of June 1946.

    The Soviet spy movie "Secret Agent (1947 film)" premiere was carried out on the 19 of September, 1947. On Russian this movie was named "Scout's feat" or "rasvedman's feat" (English: "Подвиг разведчика"). It was the first film about the actions of Soviet intelligence officers behind enemy lines in World War II. As per screenplay the main hero of this movie is razvedman, but as per his actions he is a spy really. It was the custom of that postwar period to call all Soviet Secret Agens as a razvedman and to call all foreign Secret Agents as a spy. It was shamefully to be a spy, and was honorable to be a ruzvedman in the Soviet Union. But not every Soviet boy or man, which was recruited by Soviet Intelligence Centers, likes the main personage in this movie. In future plenty movies about Soviet Secret Agents were filmed and each movie had own type of the Secret Agent to give the choice the Soviet boy or man.

    During the Georgiy Zhukov in Odessa period was discussed project to erect some anti-Soviet ideology statues: the Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy in Moscow, and the Statue of Metallurgist Anosov in Zlatoust. Obviously the Statue of Vorontsov became a godfather of the Statue of Yuri Dolgoruky and Statue of Metallurgist Anosov due to Georgiy Zhukov leaved Odessa in 1948 to become a commander of the troops of the Ural Military District, in which was Zlatoust city.

    After World War II the bronze statue of Stalin was erected on the Square of the 10th anniversary of the Red Army (or Soviet Army Square after World War II), ex. Sobor Square, side by side with the statue of Graf Vorontsov. Also the construction in the form of a miniature map of the Soviet Union including rivers and hydroelectric power plants was posted close to this statues.

    From 4 of February 1948 Zhukov leaved Odessa and became a commander of the troops of the Ural Military District. It is means that was behind the Statue of Anosov in Zlatoust.

    Zhukov staying in Odessa from 1946 to 1948, during the preparatory period, means that he was well acquainted with the secret operations which were intertwined with Odessa and Black Sea Shipping Company during the Cold War from 1946 to 1967.

    The Statue of Yuriy Dolgorukiy, Moscow, and Statue of Anosov in Zlatoust were erected in 1954. The daughters of Grigoriy Zhukovskiy family were fotografied at the Statue of Vorontsov in 1954 also. It is a key-photo photo. Their father Grigoriy Zukovskiy was under KGB control. This Zhukovskiy family in Odessa was involved in Intelligence activity during the Cold War period.

    The shooting of Soviet movie Tamer of Tigers commenced in 1954. It was completed in 1955 and the movie soon received official English name Tiger Girl. Soviet artist Aleksander Aleksandrovich Orlov played the role of father of the tamer of tigers Yelena Vorontsova in this movie. This movie and the Statue of Votontsov in Odess were involved in operation "Tigers".

    Due to Stalin's cult of personality was debunked in 1956 the statue of Staline Square of the 10th anniversary of the Red Army (or Soviet army Square) disappeared, but Statue of Graf Vorontsov remained.

    The Grigoriy Zhukovsky family in Odessa was involved in operation "Tiger" from 1961 about and other persons in Odessa city, who were behind this family, ruled the game as per directions from Moscow and from Georgiy Zhukov and later from Leonid Brezhnev family. That other persons were changed sometimes:

  • From 1971 to middle of 1979 Volkov family was placed behind Zhukovsky family in Odessa. But representatives of Volkov family were in Odessa from beginning of XX century. The Volkovs were the Police usually. Due to Volkov family in Odessa rose the probles around the Zhukovsky family in 1970s the Volkovs were relocated to Riga in 1979 or 1980. Volkov and Vorontsov have the same first two letters Vo.
  • From 1979 to 2000 about some members of Orlov family was placed behind Zhukovsky family in Odessa.
  • Orlov family in Odessa and Moscow from 1979 to 1991.

    In XVIII century Grigory Orlov received Graf title from Yekaterina II and the Statue of Graf Vorontsov was very good match for Orlov family in Odessa from 1979 to 2000 about to follow the Intelligence secrecy. It is why the Statue of Vorontsov was named Statue of Graf Vorontsov during this period, including the press and tourists books.

    So, from 1979 to 2000 about some members of Orlov family was placed behind Zhukovsky family in Odessa. Also some members of Orlov family entered the Intelligence ranks in Moscow, - It was artists Yeryomenko family, the father Nikolai Yeremenko Sr. and the son Nikolai Eremenko Jr., and the wife and mother of them was Galina Orlova.

    The Soviet newspaper "Родная Газета", № 45(80), dated 19 of November 2004, wrote:

    Nikolai Yeremenko Sr. played the role of Leonid Brezhnev when tetralogy about development of virgin lands "Taste of Bread" was shooting in the end of 1970s. Stage director Alex Sakharov wanted to film Brezhnev in this movie, but he followed the instructions of the authorities. Nikolai Yeremenko Sr. did not even makeup because he was very similar.

    The Soviet press wrote:

    The shooting of Soviet blockbuster "Pirates of the 20th Century" began and was completed in 1979. Nikolai Eremenko Jr. was taken to play the role of the ship's chief engineer Sergey. According to the rules of filmmaking at that time, the film was shown responsible "comrades" of the Central Committee of the Komsomol. And the most important leader of the Komsomol did not like this film, he called it "ideologically harmful". The film was placed "on the shelf". But, fortunately, not for long. The film was brought in the cottage of Leonid Brezhnev, a great lover of cinema, to view and it helped, and not once. He liked the "Pirates of the 20th Century" and gave the order to start the movie on the wide screen. The premier of the movie was in 1980. Instantly the film received a resounding success, - long queues stood at all theaters. In 1981, according to a questionarie in the magazine "Soviet Screen", Nikolai Eremenko Jr. was named the best actor of the year. But the most famous fan of "Pirates of the 20th Century" was the General Secretary of the Communist Party Leonid Brezhnev, he liked to watch this movie during the relax.

    Soviet critics spoke badly about the film "Pirates of the 20th Century". Really this film is a bad movie and Nikolai Eremenko Jr. played the role poorly.

    Mentioned Orlov and Yeremenko (as per mother also Orlovs) families were Leonid Brezhnev Intelligence subdivsion. It can be confirmed by TV-serial "Brezhnev" (2005) also. This movie-serial is about Leonid Brezhnev in 1981 and 1982 and includes the memories of the Soviet ruler, smile histories and anecdotes about Brezhnev which were really. The confirmation is in serie 4 of this film, between 21 min 25 sec and 23 min 35 sec, and the text translated here:

    Leonid Brezhnev, his guard officer and his barber are in the room and the barber intends to shave the face of Leonid Brezhnev. Brezhnev says:
    - Anecdotes. Do you have?
    - Of course! Plenty! - the barber replys.
    - Go ahead! - Leonid Brezhnev says.
    - The negotiations are between You, Leonid Brezhnev, President of France and President of United States. - the barber continue, - Long time goes! One hour passed! Second, Third! Well, everyone is tired, wants to smoke. And, the President of France pulls a cigarette case from own pocket. It is small, elegant. The inscription on it: "To the President of France from the French women". Then the American President pulls a cigarette case. The inscription on it: "The President of United States from the Texas cowboys".
    - And what have I? - Brezhnev says impatiently.
    - Was sitting, was sitting! Was enduring, was enduring! And then, finally, You could not resist, climbed into his pocket and pills a huge gold cigarette case covered in brilliants and a diamond in the center, and the inscription on it: "To Graf Orlov from Catherine the Great."
    Leonid Brezhnev commenced to smile wildly. The guard officer and the barber do not understand the humor and tried to smile together.

    Difficulty to understand the humor in this anecdote if the Intelligence situation unknown. One Orlov in Odessa had nickname Graf Orlov, another person had the nickname Catherine the Great.

    After the Dissolution of the Soviet Union

    On the night of December 25, 1991, at 7:32 p.m. Moscow time, after Gorbachev left the Kremlin, the Soviet flag was lowered for the last time, and the Russian tricolor was raised in its place, symbolically marking the end of the Soviet Union. On that same day, the President of the United States and former CIA director George H.W. Bush held a brief televised speech officially recognizing the independence of the 11 remaining republics.

    The next day, on December 26, 1991, the Council of Republics, the upper chamber of the Union's Supreme Soviet, issued a formal Declaration recognizing that the Soviet Union had ceased to exist as a functioning state and subject of international law, and voted both itself and the Soviet Union out of existence. The following day Yeltsin moved into Gorbachev's former office, though the Russian authorities had taken over the suite two days earlier. By December 31, 1991, the few remaining Soviet institutions that had not been taken over by Russia ceased operation, and individual republics assumed the central government's role.

    After 1991, the historical memory began to come back. The original bas-reliefs and inscription were returned to the Statue of Knyaz Vorontsov. It was a pleasure for the Orlov family in Odessa to call "their statue" the Statue of Knyaz Vorontsov as Orlovs intended to take the post of president in Ukraine and the knyaz was an adequate title.

    The main Odessa Orlov's family had pain was Zhukovsky grandsons activity. When activity of one of them, who was named Pinocchio, was stopped in 1993 and another one was relocated from Moscow to Odessa killed in Odessa in the middle of 1990s. The Orlovs changed Intelligence direction to another family in Odessa which had to lead the Intelligence activity, but the representatives of this false Rurik family were not natives of Odessa. This family activity was slow and the risk for Orlovs was smaller that the risk during the Pinocchio activity.

    But Leonid Kuchma became the next president of Ukraine in 1994, and Orlovs commenced to organize the opposition in Odessa city and region against the Leonid Kuchma. Soon, the false Rurik family began to give the initiative to the enemy. To back Intelligence activity in Odessa to the Moscow Intelligence mainstream, Orlovs and Moscow had to revive Pinocchio Intelligence activity. When the Pinocchio back the initiative to Moscow, Orlovs again tried to stop his activity as he was Ukrainian and Orlovs were from Russia and intended to oust all Ukrainians from Odessa. Leonid Kuchma Intelligence Center gave support to the Pinocchio.

    Orlovs lost power in Odessa in 1999 due to the Pinocchio and Leonid Kuchma people activity from 1998 to 2000. Orlovs in Odessa and in Moscow, artists Yeryomenko family, were replaced from the Intelligence activity in Odessa due to their activity Moscow lost the power in Odessa and due to their anti-Ukrainian activity was not possible to back Ukraine under Moscow command. The most aggressive Orlovs were replaced from Odessa. Nikolai Yeremenko Sr. died in 2000, and his son Nikolai Eremenko Jr. died in 2001. Due to Orlovs actions, Moscow lost the Pinocchio Intelligence service as the Pinocchio was not believed in Moscow any more. The Leonid Kuchma became a president of Ukraine again and until 2005.

    From 2001, another representative of Orlov family, Alexander Vitaliyevich Orlov, commenced anti-Ukraine activity. Could be he was born in Odessa in 1961, but his parents arrived in Odessa region from Russia or other republic of the Soviet Union due to his father was a military officer. In this case he is not Ukrainian.

    Viktor Yushchenko became the third President of Ukraine from 23 January 2005, but Rouslan Bodelan still was a leader in Odessa Region and Moscow representative in the same time. In autumn 2005, the remains of Knyaz Vorontsov family were returned solemnly into the newly rebuilt Cathedral on Sobor Square in Odessa. The ceremony was observed as 150 years ago. There was a fireworks display. Military troops marched beside the statue of Knyaz Vorontsov and saluted the General Field Marshal and Grand Odessa citizen.

    Alexander Vitaliyevich Orlov became more powerful in Odessa from 2010 to 2014, when Viktor Yanukovich was a President of Ukraine. And now he in opposition to the Ukraine government. The "heirs" of Statue of Vorontsov titles, graf or knyaz, still in force. But historically Orlovs never were the Ukrainians. Orlov family territory was in Russia and they will try any time to increase the power of Moscow in Odessa and in Ukraine due to Orlovs are Russian Tatarians only.


    Already deleted verse of Alexander Pushkin on the piedestal of the statue and back old inscription. But on the inscription mentioned "Knyaz Mikhail Semenovich Vorontsov". Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov was a Graf before 1845, monument was opened in 1863 and Vorontsov ruled in Odessa until 1844, and he became a Knyaz from 1845. Usually native citizens of Odessa said "Statue of Graf Vorotsov" from 1930s to 1990s. Can be his rank was reduced from knyaz to graf specially during dangerous 1930s to avoid any talking about anti-Soviet ideology and due to Sovviet intelligence operations including operation "Tigers". A graf is not Russian title and Vorontsov was not looking hostilely when was named a graf. In all historical book about Odessa he mentioned as a graf also. The "Statue of Graf Vorontsov" is correct name and the inscription "... Knyaz Mikhail Semyonovich Vorontsov" is correct name also.

    Nowadays monument of M.S. Vorontsov on the Sobor Square is the object of cultural heritage. The monument was taken under the protection:

  • as per Resolution of the Council of Ministers of Ukraine dated 3 of September, 2009, the State number 928;
  • as a monument to the monumental art of national importance, as a monument to urban planning and architecture of local importance according to the decision of the Executive Committee of the Odessa Regional Council dated 27 of December, 1991, the number 580;
  • as well as a monument to local history the decision of the Executive Committee of the Odessa Regional Council dated 27 of July, 1971, the number 381.
    The security number: 150006 - Н.
  • References

    Statue of Graf Vorontsov, Odessa Wikipedia

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