Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Slowinski's corn snake

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Scientific name
Pantherophis slowinskii



Higher classification

Slowinski's corn snake Herps of Arkansas Slowinski39s Cornsnake Pantherophis slowinskii

Snake, Elaphe, Reptile, Mexican night snake, Pantherophis emoryi

Slowinski's corn snake (Pantherophis slowinskii ) is a species of nonvenomous snake indigenous to Arkansas.



Slowinski's corn snake Herps of Arkansas Slowinski39s Cornsnake Pantherophis slowinskii

This snake was long considered an intergrade subspecies of the corn snake (Pantherophis guttata) and the Great Plains rat snake (Pantherophis emoryi ), but it has recently been elevated to species status and named to honor the memory of Joseph Bruno Slowinski. These three sister-species are probably best identified in Arkansas by simply consulting a range map, given that their ranges in the state do not overlap.


Slowinski's corn snake Reptile Facts

Slowinski's corn snake is medium-sized, and colored grayish-brown, with a series of large, alternating, chocolate-brown blotches. These blotches are often bordered in black. It has a spearhead marking on the head. The belly is checkered black and white, giving it an appearance of maize. (Its close relative, the corn snake, is believed to have gotten its name for this belly pattern.)

Slowinski's corn snake The Corn Snake and its Relatives Natural History and Captive Care

While this species resembles superficially the prairie kingsnake (Lampropeltis calligaster), the spearhead marking present on the head of Slowinski's corn snake is usually sufficient for identification. Its body has a rounded top, steep sides, and a flat belly.

Slowinski's corn snake wwwlouisianaherpscomMediadsc07186jpeg

The young of this species can be distinguished from those of the western rat snake (Pantherophis obsoletus) by considering the dark bar that runs through each eye. In Slowinski's corn snake, this bar extends through the jawline and onto the neck, whereas in the western rat snake the bar extends only to the jawline where it stops abruptly.


Slowinski's corn snake Southwestern Center for Herpetological Research Snakes of the

This species is nocturnal and quite secretive. Like its sister-species, the Great Plains rat snake (Pantherophis emoryi ), it is an excellent climber and likely spends a large portion of its time up in trees. These habits together may explain why it is so infrequently encountered by humans. Its nocturnal tendencies may also help it avoid dangers, such as day-foraging hawks.

Slowinski's corn snake 1000 images about Corn Snake Care on Pinterest Snakes Corn snake

Slowinski's corn snake is likely similar in temperament to its sister-species, the Great Plains rat snake, which is very tame. The corn snake relies mainly on camouflage for defense and rarely bites.

This species feeds primarily on small mammals and birds. Prey, when caught, is constricted and consumed. Presumably, it follows an activity pattern similar to other rat snakes: hibernate through winter, breed in the spring, and lay eggs in the summer.

Distribution and abundance

This species is known only from isolated localities in the southeastern part of Arkansas. Trauth et al. indicate only a single locality in the state, Drew County. The abundance of this species is largely unknown, but the lack of voucher specimens seems to indicate that it is extremely rare.


Slowinski's corn snake Wikipedia

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