Puneet Varma (Editor)

Siege of Rouen (1591)

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Spanish-Catholic victory

Rouen, France

Capture of Aalst, Siege of Rees, Battle of Delft, Siege of Rheinberg, Siege of Morlaix

The Siege of Rouen (December 1591 – May 1592) was an unsuccessful attempt by Henry IV of France to capture Rouen, the historical capital city of Normandy. The battle took place as part of the French Wars of Religion, the Eighty Years' War, and the Anglo–Spanish War (1585–1604). Although he had claimed the throne 1589, Henry, a Huguenot, was not recognized by many of his Catholic subjects, and he was forced to fight against a Catholic League determined to resist his rule, and which was aided by Spain.

At Rouen the combined French, English and Dutch forces of Henry IV battled the troops of the Catholic League, commanded by André de Brancas, Amiral de Villars, and the Spanish forces led by Don Alexander Farnese, Duke of Parma (Spanish: Alejandro Farnesio). The city resisted until the arrival of the Spanish troops, which defeated and forced the Protestant forces to lift the siege.


Siege of Rouen (1591) Wikipedia

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