Supriya Ghosh (Editor)

Second inauguration of Richard Nixon

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20 January 1973

Second inauguration of Richard Nixon httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommonsthu

Washington, D.C. United States Capitol

President Richard Nixon Vice President Spiro Agnew

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The second inauguration of Richard Nixon as President of the United States was held on January 20, 1973 at the eastern portico of the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.. The inauguration marked the commencement of the second term of Richard Nixon as President and the second term of Spiro Agnew as Vice President. Chief Justice Warren E. Burger administered the Oath of office to the President and the oath of office to the Vice President.

Agnew resigned from office 263 days into this term, and was succeeded by Gerald Ford (in accordance with Section 2 of the Twenty-fifth Amendment). Nixon resigned 7007489240000000000♠1 year, 201 days into the term, and was succeeded by Ford.

Death of Lyndon B. Johnson

Former president Lyndon B. Johnson, whom Nixon replaced in the White House in 1969, died two days after the inauguration. Johnson thus became the sixth president who died during his immediate successor's administration, following George Washington (1799), James K. Polk (1849), Andrew Johnson (1875), Chester A. Arthur (1886) and Calvin Coolidge (1933), who died during the administrations of John Adams, Zachary Taylor, Ulysses S. Grant, Grover Cleveland (1st term), and Herbert Hoover, respectively. Many of the ceremonies that the Armed Forces Inauguration Committee had planned during the ten days had to be canceled to allow for a full state funeral.

Many of the military men who participated in the inauguration took part in the funeral. Johnson's casket traveled the entire length of the Capitol, entering through the Senate wing when taken into the rotunda to lie in state, and exiting through the House wing; this was due to construction on the East Front steps.

During the ceremony, Look With Pride On Our Flag, a song dedicated to President Nixon and composed by Hank Fort, was played.


Second inauguration of Richard Nixon Wikipedia

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