Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Salish Wool Dog

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Scientific name
Canis lupus familiaris


Higher classification

Salish Wool Dog httpsuploadwikimediaorgwikipediacommons99

Breed status
Extinct. Not recognized as a standardized breed by any major kennel club.

Countries of origin
Washington, British Columbia

Hare Indian Dog, Tahltan Bear Dog, Hawaiian Poi Dog, Sakhalin Husky, Seskar Seal Dog

The Salish Wool Dog is an extinct breed of white, long-haired, Spitz-type dog that was developed and bred by the native peoples of what is now Washington State and British Columbia.

Salish Wool Dog These Strange Extinct Dog Breeds Are Rarely Talked About But

It has been suggested that the Salish Wool Dog (or Woolly Dog) is the only known prehistoric North American dog developed by true animal husbandry. The small long-haired wool dog and the coyote-like village dog were deliberately maintained as separate populations. The dogs were kept in packs of about 12 to 20 animals, and fed primarily raw and cooked salmon. To keep the breed true to type and the preferred white color, Salish Wool Dogs were confined on islands and in gated caves.

Salish Wool Dog Salish Wool Dog

The fur of the Salish Wool Dog was prized for making the famous and rare "Salish" blankets, as the Salish peoples did not have sheep and wild mountain goat wool was difficult to gather. The dogs were sheared like sheep in May or June. The sheared fur was so thick that Captain Vancouver could pick up a corner and the whole fleece would hold together. Ceremonial blankets were prized items in the pre-contact potlatch distribution economic system, almost as valuable as slaves. The dog hair was frequently mixed with mountain goat wool, feathers, and plant fibers to change the yarn quality and to extend the supply of fiber.

Salish Wool Dog Barks From The Past 10 Extinct Dog Breeds Dog Reflections

The extinction of the Salish Wool Dog began with European contact. A combination of 1) the availability of Hudson Bay blankets and later sheep, and 2) decimation of the indigenous population by European diseases causing the breakup of the native culture, caused the Salish Wool Dog to interbreed with other dogs and lose its unique identity. By 1858, the Salish Wool Dog was considered extinct as a distinct breed. The last identifiable wool dog died in 1940.

Salish Wool Dog Extinct Breeds Salish Wool Dog

Osteometry of the Salish Wool Dog

Salish Wool Dog Famous Dogs in History Woolly Dogs Bred for Their Fur

  • Skull total length 162.0 mm
  • Condylobasal skull length 154.6 mm
  • Femur GL 154.3 mm
  • Tibia GL 150.0 mm
  • Humerus GL 143.5 mm
  • Radius GL 136.0 mm
  • Ulna GL 157.5 mm
  • Shoulder height of standing dog 44 cm
  • References

    Salish Wool Dog Wikipedia

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