Siddhesh Joshi (Editor)

Sakti Burman

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Painter and sculpture

Sakti Burman


Sakti Burman ArtSlant Sakti Burman

Ecole nationale superieure des Beaux-Arts

Arlequin et le Nu, Le miroir, L'arrivee au mont Ararat

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Artist Sakti Burman: In an Interview with the Indian Contemporary artist

Sakti Burman (born 1935 in Kolkata) is a contemporary Indian artist of Indian parentage living in France. (His name has also been spelled Shakti, Shakthi, and Sakthi.)

Sakti Burman MessengerSaktiBurmancopyjpg

He grew up in what is now Bangladesh (but was part of pre-Independence India). He has lived in France for the last five decades, while maintaining strong ties with India, where he regularly exhibits his works. He is married to French painter Maite Delteil. His extended family includes several eminent artists: his daughter, Maya Burman also lives and works in France; his niece, Jayasri Burman was inspired by him and is a notable artist in her own right; as is his niece's husband, Paresh Maity. He has had several exhibitions of his work in India, and elsewhere, and won several prizes.

Sakti Burman The Art of Sakti Burman A Private Universe

A painter and lithographer, Burman's art has mythic and fantasy content and rich colors.

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Sakti Burman Sakti Burman


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