Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Saint Lawrence Bay, Chukotka

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Far North

Basin countries

Max. width
8 km (5.0 mi)

Ocean/sea source
Bering Sea

Ocean/sea sources
Bering Sea

Max. length
45 km (28 mi)

Port Lawrence

Saint Lawrence Bay, Chukotka

The Saint Lawrence Bay (Russian: Залив Лаврентия; Zaliv Lavrentiya) is a bay in the Bering Sea on the eastern coast of the Chukotka Peninsula, Russian Federation.


Map of zal. Lavrentiya, Russia


This bay is located very close to the Bering Strait, which lies only a few km to the NE.

The bay is open towards the southeast; it is 45 km in length and has an average width of about 8 km. There are two little islands inside the bay where it narrows forming an inlet. On the southern shore of the bay at Cape Hargilah is the village of Port Lawrence.


British Captain James Cook landed for a few hours in St. Lawrence Bay and met some of the local Chukchi people in August 1778, but he didn't linger in the bay.

This bay was first surveyed by Russian mariner Count Fyodor Petrovich Litke in 1828.


Saint Lawrence Bay, Chukotka Wikipedia

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