Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Richard Taylor (Hollyoaks)

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Portrayed by
Richard Calkin

First appearance
4 November 2003

Created by
David Hanson

Justin Burton (2004–2005)


Last appearance
21 November 2005

Former; regular

Mel Burton (2004–2005), Sophie Burton (2004–2005)

Ali Taylor, Emma Chambers, Mark Jury, Cameron Clark, Sally Hunter

Richard Taylor is a fictional character from the long-running Channel 4 soap opera Hollyoaks, played by Richard Calkin. He appeared on the show between 2003 and 2005.


Richard Taylor arrived in Hollyoaks with two of his four children Darlene Taylor and Ali Taylor, to set up home with Liz Burton and three of her children Justin Burton, Sophie Burton and Mel Burton and to run the local Gym "Bodyboost". Liz and Richard's attempts to fuse the two families together was the focus of many Hollyoaks story arcs. Eventually he and Liz married, and some time later the two families combined, just in time for them to be ripped apart again, when Ali was killed in a traffic accident and Justin was arrested for murder (a crime Ali committed and ran away from before his accident). Richard eventually cheated on Liz (ironically, in a similar fashion to how he had cheated on his former wife with Liz.) After Justin's trial (which he was found not guilty) Liz threw Richard out, and he left the series.


Richard Taylor (Hollyoaks) Wikipedia

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