Rahul Sharma (Editor)

Raas cat

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Raas Island


Raas cat Raas Cat Info History Personality Training Kittens Pictures

Other names
Busok or Buso Madura cat

Squitten, Cyprus cat, Aegean cat, American Ringtail, Oregon Rex

The Raas cat is endemic of domestic cat breed originating from Raas Island, Indonesia.


Raas cat Raas Cat Info History Personality Training Kittens Pictures

The Raas breed has physical characteristics similar to leopards and bobcats. The body size is larger than the average house cat. Its tail is of medium length and is bent at the end. The Raas has dark green, oval-shaped eyes which are not overly wide. Its face is squarish, coupled with a slightly tapered chin. The ears are triangular. Raas cat has a long tail size being with the edges are slightly bent. Cats Raas has a dark green colored eyes are oval and not very wide eyes.

Raas cat Raas Cat Google

Raas cat wwwcatbreedselectorcomwpcontentuploads20160

Raas cat Indonesian Folklore Folklor Indonesia A Farmer and His Three Cats

Raas cat American Bobtail HD Animal Planet HD


Raas cat Wikipedia

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