Trisha Shetty (Editor)


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Qistibi An AZ of breads from around the world Heart Matters BHF

Öçpoçmaq, Çäkçäk, Bread, Qutab, Peremech

Qistibi (Bashkir: ҡыҫтыбый,Tatar: кыстыбый, qıstıbí) is a popular traditional dish in Tatarstan and Bashkortostan. Qistibi is roasted flatbreads with various fillings inside. The dough should be non-fermented. The most popular filling is mashed potato but it may also be ragout or millet. Filling is placed on the one half of the flat cake and is covered by the other half. Later, clarified butter is spread on the flat cakes.

Qistibi Qistibi with potatoes How to cook qistibi
Qistibi Qistibi World of Recipes Nym Nym Net

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Qistibi Qistibi Flatbread stuffed with Potatoes


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