Neha Patil (Editor)

Public open space

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Public open space

Public open space is often referred to by urban planners and landscape architects by the acronym 'POS'. Varied interpretations of the term are possible.

'Public' can mean:

  • owned by a national or local government body
  • owned by 'public' body (e.g. a not-for-profit organization) and held in trust for the public
  • owned by a private individual or organization but made available for public use or available public access, see privately owned public space (POPS)
  • 'Open' can mean:

  • open for public access
  • open for public recreation
  • outdoors, i.e. not a space within a building
  • vegetated
  • Depending on which of these definitions are adopted, any of the following could be called Public Open Space:

  • a public park
  • a town square
  • a greenway which is open to the public but runs through farmland or a forest
  • a public highway
  • a private road with public access
  • References

    Public open space Wikipedia

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