Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Presidential state car (Russia)

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Presidential state car (Russia)

The Russian presidential state car (nicknamed "Kortezh") is the official state car of the President of Russia.

The current model of presidential state car is a unique Mercedes-Benz S 600 Guard Pullman built upon a medium-duty truck platform. The car is equipped with many life-saving, offensive, and defensive measures, and is built to the Federal Protective Service's standards. The next generation of presidential state car "Kortezh" is currently under development by NAMI.

The first model for the President was Mercedes S-Class, W140 variant, which was purchased for Boris Yeltsin and has been superseded by a W221 model. The limousine is bulletproof, has solid rubber tires, and carries an array of communications equipment. On state visits, it is airlifted to the destination using an Il-76.

Presidents Yeltsin and Medvedev were driven in Mercedes-Benz S-Class limousines stretched and armored by the Belgian Carat Duchatelet, while President Putin prefers Mercedes-Benz Guard limousines. For President Medvedev's inauguration a special Carat Duchatelet limousine with raised roof was ordered.

The presidential motorcade is usually escorted by police motorcycle outriders and a series of support vehicles including, but not limited to, the Mercedes G-Class, Mercedes E-Class, standard S-Class models, BMW 5-Series and Volkswagen Caravelle.

Under the USSR, the General Secretary of the Communist Party was always driven in a Soviet-built ZIL-41047, escorted by Chaika models. Two of the Zil limousines are still maintained in the Kremlin garage and occasionally seen in use by the military parades on the Day of Victory.

National transport services for the Russian President are provided by the Special Purpose Garage (SPG). The SPG is a unit within the Federal Protective Service.

  • Limousines
  • ZiL
  • Mercedes-Benz
  • Escort cars
  • Mercedes-Benz (including G-Class)
  • Chevrolet
  • Honorary escort (motorcycles)
  • Ural
  • BMW
  • References

    Presidential state car (Russia) Wikipedia

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