Puneet Varma (Editor)

Premier's Climate Change Council

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Premier's Climate Change Council

The Premier’s Climate Change Council was established by the Government of South Australia under the Climate Change and Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Act 2007. The Council provides independent advice to the Minister responsible for Climate Change about matters related to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change adaptation and was formed during the Rann Government. The Council's membership represents the business community, the environment and conservation sector, the scientific community and state and local governments. It is chaired by prominent South Australian businessman Bruce Carter, who was appointed to the role in 2011. In 2013, Michelle Lensink MLC questioned the efficacy of the Premier's Climate Change Council, and asked the Minister for the environment, Ian Hunter about the absence of the Council's 2011-12 annual report from the Council's website. In 2013, the Council published South Australia’s Climate Change Vision: Pathways to 2050 to advise Premier Jay Weatherill and his government on future planning and policy directions for the state.


In September 2015, Bruce Carter said of the Council:

"“We want to encourage a wide range of views around climate change measures that are dynamic and adaptive.”


The role of the council is to “provide advice to the Government on reducing the state’s greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change in order to meet the state’s legislated greenhouse gas emissions targets.”

Selection criteria

The act requires the appointment of seven to ten persons by the Minister from the state and local government, the “business community,” the “environment and conservation sector,” the “scientific community,” and representation from other sectors of the South Australian community. The appointment process must take account of an individual person’s knowledge of and expertise in the subject matter, consider advice from both the Local Government Association of South Australia and the Conservation Council of South Australia, and must ensure the minimal representation of both genders.

Membership as of 2015

As of 2015, the Council's membership includes:

  • Bruce Carter (Chair)
  • Kathryn Bellette
  • Ros DeGaris
  • Brian Foster
  • Nicole Halsey
  • John O'Brien
  • Sandy Pitcher
  • Don Russell
  • Michelle Tucker
  • Former members

  • Professor Barry Brook
  • ƒProfessor Don Bursill
  • Rob Chapman
  • Dianne Davidson
  • Dr Campbell Gemmell
  • Fred Hansen
  • Allan Holmes
  • Tim Kelly
  • John Kerr
  • David Klingberg (Chair)
  • Dr Prue McMichael
  • Caroline McMillen
  • Suzanne Miller
  • Professor Mary O’Kane
  • Tim O’Loughlin
  • Professor Jean Palutikof
  • Pauline Peel
  • ƒJulie Pettett
  • Verity Sanders
  • Jim White
  • References

    Premier's Climate Change Council Wikipedia

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