Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Pomeranian Lakeland

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The Pomeranian Lakeland or Pomeranian Lake District (Polish: Pojezierze Pomorskie) is a lakeland in Farther Pomerania. It lies today in the east of the Polish Voivodeship of West Pomerania in northwest Poland.

The lakeland is located in the extreme foothills of the Baltic Uplands and consists of a multitude of lakes. It is of ice age origin and lies embedded between low morainic hills. The lake plateau is very similar to the regions of the Masurian and Mecklenburg lake districts and Holstein Switzerland.

Its largest lake is Lake Drawsko (German: Dratzigsee; 18.66 km²), through which the Drage (Pol.: Drawa) flows, the most important river in the region. Its chief settlements are Czaplinek (Tempelburg), Szczecinek (Neustettin) and Połczyn Zdrój (Bad Polzin). Because the Pomeranian Lakeland is far less known than the Masurian Lake District, it is unspoiled and undeveloped from a tourist's perspective.


  • Wilhelm Halbfass: Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Pommerschen Seen. Mit 6 Karten. Perthes, Gotha 1901 (Dr. A. Petermanns Mitteilungen aus Justus Perthes' Geographischer Anstalt. Ergänzungsheft 136, ZDB-ID 241574-4), online.
  • References

    Pomeranian Lakeland Wikipedia

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