Harman Patil (Editor)

Pokémon Tales

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Imakuni?, Akihito Toda

Pokémon Tales (ポケモンえほん, Pokémon Ehon) is a series of Pokémon-related picture books originally published in Japan by Shogakukan. In North America VIZ Media published the books in English.

Pokémon Tales Pokemon Tales Emonga by usakochan on DeviantArt

Books published in English include:

  1. Charmander Sees A Ghost (おばけをみちゃったヒトカゲくん) (Story: Akihito Toda, Art: Kagemaru Himeno)
  2. Come Out, Squirtle! (でておいでよゼニガメくん) (Story: Tomoaki Imakuni, Art: Naoyo Kimura)
  3. Bulbasaur's Trouble (フシギダネこまったね) (Story: Akihito Toda, Art: Benimaru Itoh)
  4. Pikachu's Day (ピカチュウげんきでちゅう) (Story and art: Toshinao Aoki)
  5. Psyduck's Tongue Twisters (コダックのはやくちことば) (Story: Hajime Yume, Art: Kagemaru Himeno)
  6. Where's Clefairy's Voice? (ピッピのくるくるおんぷ) (Also titled "Clefairy's Sing-Along" - Story: Kunimi Kawamura, Art: Kagemaru Himeno)
  7. Fly On, Butterfree (とべとべバタフリー) (Also titled "Fly, Fly Butterfree" - Story: Toshiko Takashi, Art: Naoyo Kimura)
  8. Dragonite's Christmas (カイリューのメリー・しーっ) (Story: Junko Wada, Art: Naoyo Kimura)
  9. Meet Mew (Story: Akihito Toda, Art: Kagemaru Himeno)
  10. Snorlax's Snack (Story and art: Sumiyoshi Kizuki)
  11. Jigglypuff's Magic Lullaby (Story: Megumi Hayashibara, Art: Kagemaru Himeno)
  12. Lapras Makes A Friend
  13. Eevee's Weather Report
  14. Diglett's Birthday Party
  15. First Prize For Starmie
  16. Seel To The Rescue
  17. Mewtwo's Watching You!
  18. Magnemite's Mission
  19. Don't Laugh, Charizard!
  20. Gengar's Shadow
  21. Togepi's Tears
  22. A Star For Tauros
Pokémon Tales nine tales pokemon by glitterchild98 on DeviantArt

  • Movie Special: I'm Not Pikachu (Story: Junko Wada, Art: Toshinao Aoki)
  • Movie Special Volume 2: Pikachu's Unparalleled Adventure
  • Both Shogakukan and Viz published Pokémon Gold and Silver Tales storybooks. Books published in English include:

    1. Detective Chikorita
    2. Cyndaquil And The Mysterious Hole
    3. Totodile's One Gulp
    4. Muddy Pichu
    5. Wobbuffet Watches Clouds
    6. Swinub's Nose
    7. Wake Up, Lugia!
    8. Look Out, Houndour!
    9. Corsola's Brave New World

    Pokémon Tales Don39t Laugh Charizard Pokemon Tales Vol 19 Akihito Toda

    Pokémon Tales Pokemon Tales Volume 9 Meet Mew Akihito Toda Kagemaru Himeno


    Pokémon Tales Wikipedia