Harman Patil (Editor)

Pluchea indica

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Higher classification

Scientific name
Pluchea indica


Pluchea indica Pluchea indica 1 Photo Gallery 4

Pluchea, Gynura divaricata, Daisy family, Temulawak, Green chiretta

Pluchea indica is a species of flowering plant in the aster family, Asteraceae. Its common names include Indian camphorweed, Indian fleabane, and Indian pluchea. It is native to parts of Asia and Australia, and it is widespread in the Pacific Islands as an introduced and often invasive species.

Pluchea indica Pluchea indica 1 Photo Gallery 4

This species is a branching shrub up to 2 meters tall. The toothed oval leaf blades are papery but not thin, and often have a fine coating of hairs. The flower heads grow in dense clusters in the leaf axils and at the branch tips. The pinkish purple florets have long, protruding styles. Florets along the edges of the head produce fruits. The fruit body is a millimeter in length with a white pappus about 5 millimeters long. The seeds are dispersed on the wind.

Pluchea indica Cook Islands Biodiversity Pluchea indica Indian Pluchea

The plant often grows in wet saline coastal habitat, such as brackish marshes and mangroves. Though it is not very competitive with other flora, it can easily colonize coastal habitat and impact native and cultivated plants. It alters waterbird habitat.

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The species hybridizes with Pluchea carolinensis when the two plants grow together, yielding a hybrid that has been named Pluchea × fosbergii.

Pluchea indica Pluchea indica

The plant contains the compounds β-sitosterol and stigmasterol, which have antidiabetic properties. The β-sitosterol isolated from the root extract can also neutralize the venom of Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) and the monocled cobra (Naja kaouthia).

Pluchea indica Asia Herbs Beluntas Pluchea indica L Baccharis indica L

Pohon bluntas pluchea indica

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