Suvarna Garge (Editor)

Pero Niño

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1453, Cigales, Spain

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Pero ni o haza as y andanzas de un caballero medieval

Pero Niño (1378–1453) was a Castilian privateer at the service of Henry III The Sufferer active in the Mediterranean and the Atlantic during the first decade of the 15th century. He later served John II.


Pero Niño Centros Culturales de Cantabria Torre de Pero Nio

Pero ni o la tarde de eppo metr polisfm


Pero Niño Rumbo a la Historia Don Pero Nio Almirante de Castilla

He was born in 1378. After fighting in the 1394 Siege of Gijón, he took part in the Castilian-Portuguese war between 1396 and 1399. He led a Mediterranean naval expedition in 1404–1405, getting to attack Tunis. Later, in 1405–1406 he led an Atlantic campaign, raiding English settlements close to Bordeaux, Jersey, and Poole Harbour. He took part in a military campaign against the nasrid Kingdom of Granada, fighting for the then regent of Castile Ferdinand, brother of Henry III, in Ronda and Setenil.

He died on 17 January 1453.

El Victorial, a biographical chronicle on Pero Niño, was written by Gutierre Díaz de Games circa 1435-1448.

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Pero Niño Fotos Torre Pero Nio de Sovilla de nachocavia soydelbesaya

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Pero Niño Fotos Torre Pero Nio de Sovilla de nachocavia soydelbesaya


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