Girish Mahajan (Editor)

Periodic summation

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Periodic summation

In signal processing, any periodic function , s P ( t )   with period P, can be represented by a summation of an infinite number of instances of an aperiodic function , s ( t ) , that are offset by integer multiples of P.  This representation is called periodic summation:

s P ( t ) = n = s ( t + n P ) = n = s ( t n P ) .

When   s P ( t )   is alternatively represented as a complex Fourier series, the Fourier coefficients are proportional to the values (or "samples") of the continuous Fourier transform , S ( f )   = d e f   F { s ( t ) } ,   at intervals of 1/P.  That identity is a form of the Poisson summation formula. Similarly, a Fourier series whose coefficients are samples of   s ( t )   at constant intervals (T) is equivalent to a periodic summation of   S ( f ) ,   which is known as a discrete-time Fourier transform.

The periodic summation of a Dirac delta function is the Dirac comb. Likewise, the periodic summation of an integrable function is its convolution with the Dirac comb.

Quotient space as domain

If a periodic function is represented using the quotient space domain R / ( P Z ) then one can write

φ P : R / ( P Z ) R φ P ( x ) = τ x s ( τ )

instead. The arguments of φ P are equivalence classes of real numbers that share the same fractional part when divided by P .


Periodic summation Wikipedia

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