Nisha Rathode (Editor)

Per Stig Møller

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Per Moller

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Per Stig Møller ([pʰeɐ̯ sd̥i ˈmølɐ], informal: Per Stig; born August 27, 1942 in Frederiksberg) is a Danish politician. He was a member of Folketinget (the Danish national parliament) for the Conservative People's Party from 1984 until 2015, and was Minister for the Environment from December 18, 1990 to January 24, 1993 as part of the Cabinet of Poul Schlüter IV and Foreign Minister from November 27, 2001 to February 23, 2010 as part of the Cabinet of Anders Fogh Rasmussen I, II and III, and the first Cabinet of Lars Løkke Rasmussen. From February 23, 2010 to October 3, 2011 he was Minister for Culture.


Per Stig Moller Per Stig Mller er elsket og frygtet Politik wwwbtdk

Per Stig Møller is the son of the former Finance Minister Poul Møller and journalist Lis Møller, who were both Members of Parliament.

Per stig moller i debatten 14 januar 2017


Per Stig Møller completed his master's degree in comparative literature at the University of Copenhagen in 1967, and was awarded a dr.phil. (higher doctorate) in 1973 for his thesis Malte-Bruns litterære kritik og dens plads i transformationsprocessen mellem klassicisme og romantik i fransk litteraturhistorie 1800-1826 (Eng.: Literary criticism of Malte-Brun and its position in the transformation process between classicism and romanticism in French history of literature 1800-1826).

Non-political career

  • 1973 - 1974: Editor of culture in Danmarks Radio.
  • 1974 - 1976: Lecturer at the University of Paris.
  • 1974, 1976 - 1979: Vice president (souschef) at the department of culture and society at Danmarks Radio.
  • 1979 - 1984: Working with the program manager at Danmarks Radio.
  • 1985 - 1986: Vice president of Radiorådet, the leading organ of Danmarks Radio which is appointed by Folketinget.
  • 1986 - 1987: President of Radiorådet.
  • 1984 - 2001: Commentator at the newspaper Berlingske Tidende.
  • Political career

  • 1983 - 1989: President of Folkeligt Oplysningsforbund.
  • 1984 – 2015: Member of Folketinget for the Conservative People's Party.
  • 1985 - 1998: Member of hovedbestyrelsen, the leadership of the Conservative People's Party.
  • 1987 - 2001: Member of the Council of Europe.
  • 1990 - 1993: Minister for the Environment in the Cabinet of Poul Schlüter IV.
  • 1994 - 2001: Member of Udenrigspolitisk Nævn, the committee for foreign policy.
  • 1994 - 1996: President of Sikkerhedspolitisk Udvalg, the committee of security.
  • 1997 - 1998: Leader of the Conservative People's Party, succeeding Hans Engell. He resigned after a poor result in the election in 1998.
  • 1998 - 2001: Foreign policy spokesman for the Conservative People's Party.
  • 2001 - 2010: Foreign Minister of Denmark
  • 2010–2011: Culture Minister of Denmark
  • 2011–2011: Minister for Ecclesiastical Affairs of Denmark

  • Per Stig Møller Per Stig Mller Wikipedia


    Per Stig Møller Wikipedia

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