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The Pardeshi Thakur belongs to the Meenas, are a Synonym clan Zamindar Mina of the state of Rajasthan in northern India. They speak the Hindilanguage and write in the Hindi script. In the local socio-ritual hierarchy they enjoy a clean caste status. The Pardeshi Thakur are landowners who are vegetarian people. As found in history, many clans of Zamidar Meenas were completely annihilated, their culture and natural habitat destroyed during the war with Kachwaha Rajputs and Mughals.
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After being defeated by the Mughals and Kachwaha Rajputs, they relocated from Rajasthan to the Maharashtra Region. The Mughals, with support from the Kachwaha Rajputs, overcame the formidable Meena Kings of Rajasthan, leading to their decimation. In Lohan, a significant number of elite Meena warriors fell to the joint forces of the Mughals and Kachwaha Rajputs in a mass slaughter. Though numerous battles were fought earlier between the Meenas and the Kachwahas, it was the siege of Nahn that was the final, decisive battle that led to the complete downfall of the Meena civilisation and marked the b eginning of the Mughal Empire in Rajasthan. According to Jagas, almost all of the natives were killed or wounded. Thus, the Meena dynasty came to an end when thousands of warriors and civilians were killed in when an Imperial force led by the Mughals and Kachwahas defeated the Bada’s army. After that they have been called Pardeshi Thakur or Pardeshi Minas. They have same gotras or clans as of Rajasthani Minas.