Kalpana Kalpana (Editor)

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh)

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Le Corbusier

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) Palace of assembly Chandigarh

Secretariat Building, Chandigarh Capitol Complex, Open Hand Monument, Sainte Marie de La Tourette, Villa Shodhan

Palace of Assembly is a legislative assembly designed by noted architect Le Corbusier and located in Chandigarh, build around 1950s India. It is part of the The Capitol Complex, which comprises three buildings — Legislative Assembly, Secretariat and High Court. This building was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2016.

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) AD Classics AD Classics Palace of the Assembly Le Corbusier

Architectural history

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) Assembly Palace of Kids Encyclopedia Children39s Homework Help

After the partition of Punjab, in 1947 following the independence of India, the divided Punjab required a new capital as Lahore was now in Pakistan. Thus Le Corbusier was commissioned by first prime minister of India, Jawaharlal Nehru to build a new city of Chandigarh as the capital of Punjab and newly carved state of Haryana. The brief for the design was a city "unfettered by the traditions of the past, a symbol of the nation's faith in the future". Subsequently, Corbusier and his team built not just a large assembly and high court building, but all major buildings in the city, and down to the door handles in public offices. Today many of the buildings are considered modernist masterpieces, though most are in a state of neglect. In 2010, chairs from the assembly building were auctioned in London; a diplomatic attempt to stop the sale failed, as the items were "condemned" and deemed unfit for use. .

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) wwwgreatbuildingscomgbcimagescid12515419762

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) Palace of Assembly Chandigarh Wikipedia

Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) Palace of Assembly Le Corbusier Great Buildings Architecture


Palace of Assembly (Chandigarh) Wikipedia

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