Trisha Shetty (Editor)

Old Billy

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Old Billy Morbid Monday The Split Head of Old Billy the World39s Oldest Horse

7 Mind-Blowing Facts About Horse History That You Never Knew: Horsehead History

Old Billy (AKA: Billy Boy or Billy), not to be confused with the Quarter horse of the same name, was the longest-lived horse on record. Old Billy was verified to be 62 at his death. Born in England in 1760, he lived as a barge horse that pulled barges up and down canals. Old Billy was said to look like a big cob/shire horse. He was brown with a white blaze. On 27 November 1822 Billy died. His lithograph was published, showing Old Billy, with Henry Harrison, who had known the animal for fifty-nine years.

Old Billy Morbid Monday The Split Head of Old Billy the World39s Oldest Horse

Billy's skull now resides in the Manchester Museum.

Old Billy Old Billy

Old Billy From the Harvard Art Museums39 collections Social Revolution

Old Billy Old Billy Straight from the Horse39s Heart

Old Billy FileCharles Towne Old Billy a Draught Horse Aged 62 Google

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